Missions: international arrest warrant ordered for fugitive deputy accused of pedophilia

Missions: international arrest warrant ordered for fugitive deputy accused of pedophilia

This was decided by Judge Miguel Farias, who is in charge of the case. The provincial Ministry of Government is following a lead in Brazil and ordered a search of the cars with Argentine and Paraguayan license plates.

Provincial deputy Germán Kiczka is a fugitive after being accused of possession and distribution of child sexual exploitation material by the Misiones Justice, and investigators believe that he may have escaped to another country. In this regard, Judge Miguel Farias, who is handling the case, ordered his international arrest.

The Misiones Ministry of Government requested information from Brazil and ordered a review of every car with Argentine and Paraguayan license plates after tracking down a lead on the whereabouts of the legislator from the Activar party, close to Ramón Puerta’s son.

“The provincial police have set up a special brigade to search for him. We are also in contact with the Brazilian authorities who have issued an alert in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina to arrest him as much as possible,” explained Marcelo Pérez, Minister of Government of Misiones.

“It is very likely that he is out of the country, as well as hiding in a field,” Perez added.

READ: Scandal in Misiones: the resignation of the deputy accused of possessing child pornography is requested

The investigation began in the United States based on information received by a prosecutor specializing in child sexual abuse crimes in the city of Buenos Aires. This is how the Federal Court raided the home of Kiczka’s father and brother in the city of Apósteles, under suspicion that they were part of an international pedophilia network.

Both accepted the charges in a summary trial, which gave rise to a new case. This led to an investigation by the Cybercrime Unit and the Secretariat of Complex Crimes (SAIC) of the province of Misiones. With sufficient evidence, the Criminal Investigation Court No. 4 of Apóstoles, in charge of Miguel Farías, issued a new search warrant at the provincial deputy’s house.

During that operation, two cell phones and a laptop were seized, in which the authorities found files containing material on pedophilia, zoophilia and incest, as well as magazines, sex toys and other compromising items.

On Thursday, the Misiones Legislature approved the removal of Kiczka’s immunity, which allowed for his immediate arrest, but when the police tried to locate him at his home, they could not find him.

The investigation also affects Sebastián Kiczka, the legislator’s brother, who was arrested for the same crime. Prosecutor Silvia Barronis expanded the charges against both and requested the arrest of Germán, a figure close to Pedro Puerta, son of former governor Ramón Puerta.

The case established that images of child abuse had been shared from the legislator’s personal computer. Judicial sources confirmed that a digital medium containing explicit material involving minors under thirteen years of age was found in his home. “There is a lot of it,” said sources close to the case.

Judge Miguel Ángel Faría also ordered a search of the Pizza Leo Club, owned by the Kiczka brothers, where 603 multimedia files containing content related to the sexual exploitation of minors were found.

Who is German Kizcka

Germán Kiczka, 44, is originally from Apóstoles, a town south of Misiones, and came to the Chamber of Deputies in 2021 thanks to his close relationship with Pedro Puerta, son of the former governor, former president, and former ambassador to Spain, Ramón Puerta. Before entering politics, Kiczka worked in one of the Puerta family’s companies. His political career, promoted by the libertarian party Activar, which he founded with Pedro Puerta, was cut short by the serious accusations that surround him today.

German Kiczka and his friend, Pedro Puerta.

Kiczka, also known for his role as a YouTuber, produced videos with his brother and father on a channel called “La magia del tío Germán” (The Magic of Uncle Germán), in which they performed tricks and games for children. After his connection to the pedophile network was revealed, the content of these videos generated horror and rejection in the community.



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