Pattambi: A woman was found dead near the Pattambi bridge in Bharathapuzha. The deceased has been identified as KS Haritha (28), wife of Ponnor Karyattukara Saneesh. The body, which was found this morning, had its hand amputated. The body is two days old. The initial conclusion of the police was that the incident was a murder.
Haritha has been missing for two months. The young woman who went down to go to the bank did not return later. They left home on a scooter to go to the bank. After the disappearance, the family members lodged a complaint with the Peramangalam police.
The body was found in Bharathapuzha during a police investigation. Haritha’s mobile phone was switched off. The scooter on which they were traveling was found in Mundur.
English Summary: Woman Found Dead In Bharathappuzha Near Pattambi