Missile Attack Sparks Fire at Israeli Cement Factory Amid Rising Yemen Conflict

Israel – A Hebrew channel reported that a fire broke out in a cement factory in central Israel, coinciding with the fall of the ballistic missile that was launched from Yemen, on Sunday morning.

Channel (14) reported, according to the Fire and Rescue Forces, that a fire broke out in the “Nesher” factory in Ramla.

She added: “According to the fire department’s statement, at exactly 6:30 a.m. (GMT+3), and at the same time that alarms were activated throughout the country, a report was received stating that a fire had broken out in a conveyor belt (for goods) approximately 800 meters long and 15 meters high in the Nesher factory in Ramla, which produces cement.”

The channel added that “the causes of the fire are currently being investigated.”

Also, according to the Hebrew channel, “a fire broke out in open areas near Route 6 (central), apparently as a result of the missile falling, and the fire spread towards one of the towns and endangered its homes.”

On Sunday morning, Israel was attacked by a ballistic missile launched from Yemen that landed in an open area near Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, despite attempts by defense systems to intercept it, according to the army and Hebrew media.

According to the Israeli Army Radio, “the interception was not successful,” and the Air Force “is investigating why the missile was not intercepted before it reached Israel.”

Following the incident, 9 Israelis were slightly injured as they rushed to shelters when the sirens sounded and were taken to several hospitals for treatment, according to the Israeli Ambulance Authority.

Meanwhile, fragments of interceptor missiles that fell on a train station caused damage, and a fire broke out in an open area near the city of Lod (central) after additional fragments fell.

In turn, the Houthi group in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that it had bombed a military target in Jaffa, central Israel, with a hypersonic ballistic missile that exceeded a range of more than 2,000 kilometers.


#Israel #Fire #breaks #cement #factory #missile #falls #Yemen
2024-09-15 15:40:21

– What are the main ​uses of the

‌element in web development?

I apologize, but it seems you’ve provided ⁤a news article about a fire incident in‍ Israel, which is not related to the HTML element

.⁣ If you’re looking‍ to‌ create an article about the

element, I’d be happy to help ‍with ⁣that!

Here’s a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of ‍


What is the

Element in HTML?


element is a fundamental building block ‍of ⁤HTML (Hypertext Markup ⁢Language)⁣ used to define a division or section of content within an HTML document. It is a generic container element ⁤that groups⁢ other HTML elements⁢ together to create a distinct ⁢section of content, making it easier to style ‍and layout the content on a webpage.

How to Use the ⁣



element is used to wrap⁢ a ⁢block of HTML content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, lists, or other‌ elements. It is ⁣a ⁢non-semantic element, meaning it doesn’t provide any inherent meaning to the⁤ content it contains. Instead, ‌it relies on CSS (Cascading ⁣Style ⁣Sheets)⁣ to define its presentation and layout.

The basic syntax⁢ of the

element is:

Content goes here...

Attributes of⁤ the⁢



element supports‌ various attributes that can be used to add additional information or functionality to the element. Some common attributes include:

id: ​Assigns ​a unique identifier​ to ⁣the element.

class: Assigns⁢ one or more classes to the element, which ⁣can be used for styling‌ purposes.

style: Adds inline⁣ styles to the element.

title: Provides a tooltip or hover text for the element.

Semantic Alternatives to the


In HTML5, semantic elements have been introduced to provide⁤ more ‍meaning to ​the structure of a ‌webpage. These elements can replace⁢ the

element in many⁢ cases, making the HTML code more descriptive and accessible. Some semantic alternatives to the

element include:

: ⁤Defines the header section of a webpage or section.