Mischief also happens outside of Boca

2024-01-13 06:14:52

I remember an old section of a newspaper called “Dialoguitos en el asphalt”, in which gossip or conversations that had been overheard in areas of power were recounted. Far be it from me to want to tell gossip, and much further from me any sphere of power. But something interesting happened to me recently while traveling on the 106, which is worth stopping and reflecting on. I was sitting in a seat and in the front seats there were two kids who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old. One was wearing a red t-shirt and the other was carrying a green backpack. And they were talking about football in such an interesting way that, at the risk of doing something illegal, I would have recorded them. In truth, I have no idea if it is illegal, but Majul says that once, while running through the woods of Palermo, he accidentally came across an envelope full of information obtained illegally by SIDE – recorded conversations of Cristina de Kirchner, etc. – and that he and all the dismissing media did not refrain from putting on the air, why wouldn’t I record the kids? But I didn’t have a recorder with me, so I saved it in my memory and ran out to write this note.

The one in the red shirt said: “Did you realize that Enzo Pérez, River’s idol and emblem, had a fight with the coach, left the club and nothing happened? The media barely talks about it. Can you imagine if something like this had happened in Boca? By now all the macrista media would be killing Riquelme.” The one with the backpack: “Macri is very vengeful, he is not going to make it easy for you. His virtual circuit or with front men is Panama, the Cayman Islands and tax hideouts like those, and his personal trips are to the Middle East to do strange business. Did you see that those countries have so much money, they buy so many things, like clubs and media, that no one calls them dictatorships? But what are they if not?” The one in the red shirt: “For me, Barco left because the representative is a Macrista, he is the same as Tevez. The same thing happened with Alexis Mac Allister, another Macrista family.” The one with the backpack: “Sure. And what happened with Independiente’s preseason? The role of the leadership and Tevez. Can you imagine if it had happened in Boca?” The one in the red shirt: “They would have killed him even more!” The one with the green backpack: “Everything is very strange. Isn’t it strange that Scaloni and Aimar make propaganda for the River president’s bank? Nobody says anything either.” The one in the red shirt: “No one is going to go against a sponsor.” The one with the backpack: “Likewise, Boca played horrible last year, we reached the ortho final. “If it doesn’t improve, this year is going to be a disaster.”

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And there they got up and went down, and I, as I already said, came flying to write this column, which is an article about much more than that dialogue heard from oiditas. Basically, it is a note about how beautiful it is to talk about football. I have a friend, an established writer, whom I have known for twenty or thirty years (I don’t even remember), with whom I talk a little about literature and those minutiae, and hours about football. Talking about football with friends, at night, until the cafe closes and they kick us out, there are few better things in life.

#Mischief #Boca

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