Miscellaneous – Justice | Marseille: a far-right activist sentenced for violence to a suspended fine

Antoine Baudino, the parliamentary attaché of Stéphane Ravier, passed from the RN to Reconquest, the party of Eric Zemmour, was sentenced this morning by the Marseille police court to a suspended fine of 1,200 euros. He was found guilty of willful assault. He was judged for headbutting an RN activist, Enzo Alias. He will also have to pay his victim the sum of 500 euros in compensation for his moral damage.

The facts had occurred, on February 10, in front of Senator Ravier’s office in the northern districts of the city.

The prosecutor had demanded a fine of 500 euros against the defendant. Antoine Baudino had challenged the alleged facts at the bar, pleading self-defense and claiming to have simply pushed his political opponent away.

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