Misaki Law and Tax Office – Inheritance Conference

Misaki General Law and Tax Office is a law firm located a 5-minute walk from the Amigawara bus stop on Niigata Kotsu. We accept consultations from 9:30 to 18:00 on weekdays. If you make a reservation in advance, we can also accommodate outside of business hours, such as at night or on weekends and holidays, so please feel free to contact us.

Concerns regarding inheritance are diverse, and ideal goals and ways of proceeding vary from client to client. Therefore, when dealing with inheritance issues, we strive to consider custom-made solutions tailored to each client and put them into practice appropriately.

Our office has handled over 1,000 cases of inheritance-related consultations to date. We can propose solutions that are appropriate for each client by utilizing the knowledge and experience we have gained in resolving various inheritance issues. If you have any concerns about inheritance, please feel free to contact our office.

▼Peace of mind with a tax accountant’s office on-site | We provide thorough support for inheritance tax returns and pre-death planning

One of the major features of our firm is that we also have a tax accountant’s office.

Inheritance and tax are closely related, such as inheritance tax returns and pre-death planning, but lawyers are not necessarily knowledgeable about tax issues. If you request our office, we will smoothly respond to your inquiries about inheritance tax by cooperating with our attached tax accountant’s office and staff who are familiar with tax matters. If you are worried about the procedures for inheritance tax returns or would like to take pre-death measures regarding inheritance tax, please feel free to use our office.

▼60 minutes of initial consultation is free | Please let us know your concerns

Our office offers a 60-minute free initial consultation regarding inheritance. Even if you are concerned about the cost and are hesitant to consult with a lawyer, we would like you to talk to a lawyer about your current situation and concerns free of charge.

We respect the privacy of our clients and provide completely private consultation rooms. Please feel free to tell us your concerns.

How to deal with inheritance issues

▼ Thorough investigation is important for smooth inheritance | We can handle the investigation of heirs and inherited assets

In order to begin inheritance division negotiations, it is first necessary to accurately identify the heirs and the inherited assets. However, in order to investigate the heirs and the inherited assets, it is necessary to carry out cumbersome work such as obtaining many family register documents and checking the transaction history of savings and deposit accounts. It is very difficult for the average person to carry out such investigations without missing anything.

You can request our office to investigate the heirs and inherited assets. With almost no burden on the client, we will fully clarify the heirs and inherited assets and support you in proceeding with inheritance division negotiations in a fair and appropriate manner. Please consult with us at an early stage to smoothly proceed with the inheritance procedure and resolve it as soon as possible.

▼ Help prevent inheritance disputes | We support you in creating valid and appropriate wills

By writing a will, you can prevent future inheritance troubles and realize the division method according to your wishes. If you want to avoid family disputes over inheritance, or if you want to inherit your estate in a way that is different from the statutory inheritance, please consider writing a will while you are still healthy.

There are legally prescribed formalities for wills. Wills that do not comply with the formalities set out in the Civil Code are invalid and may even become the cause of disputes, so care must be taken.

Our office provides full support for the creation of a will. In addition to the formal aspects, we also provide advice on measures to avoid trouble and inheritance tax measures, so you can create a will with appropriate content that suits your wishes and family situation.

If you are considering taking steps to protect your estate while you are still alive through a will, please contact our office.

Advice from a lawyer

▼ Early consultation leads to smooth resolution | If you want to complete inheritance division negotiations amicably, leave it to a lawyer

Inheritance involves large amounts of money and real estate, so even family members who have had good relationships up until now may have trouble. In order to proceed with the inheritance procedure smoothly while maintaining good relationships between family members, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer as early as possible rather than proceeding with the inheritance division negotiations by the parties alone.

If you consult with our office, we will thoroughly investigate the heirs and inherited assets that are the basis for dividing the estate, and then carefully explain how to proceed with the inheritance procedures. With a lawyer who is well versed in the law and inheritance matters intervening, the estate division negotiations can proceed calmly, preventing any trouble from occurring and allowing the inheritance procedures to be completed quickly. If you want a smooth inheritance, please consult with our office.

Message from the lawyer

What is desired regarding inheritance varies depending on the person consulting or requesting the service. Depending on whether one prioritizes obtaining as much of the inheritance as possible or on whether one values ​​an amicable resolution, the approach to inheritance procedures will naturally differ.

At our office, we listen carefully to the concerns of our clients and support them as much as possible to achieve a solution that meets their needs. If you are having trouble with inheritance, please contact us.



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