Miranda. Alzheimer’s: taking the disease on the wrong foot

the essential
In France, 1.2 million people are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. or a related disease.

Anxious to break the Alzheimer taboo and to fight the prejudices that isolate sick people and caregivers, the France Alzheimer and related diseases association wants to help families to enjoy, as much as possible, every moment of life. On the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21, 80 festive events were organized in France.

The day in Mirande took place in the presence of the new president France Alzheimer Gers, Jean-Marc Pinaud, the mayor of Mirande Patrick Fanton, elected officials and caregivers. It began with a hike organized by ACTA which started at the Saint-Jacques hospital and ended in the park of the town hall of Mirande.

At 11 a.m. there was an official ceremony to inaugurate a “helping city” plaque on the tree of life donated in 2021 by France-Alzheimer. The Alzheimer’s day continued with an aperitif offered by the CIAS Cœur d’Astarac, then a country buffet for those who had booked. Finally at 3 p.m. at the Astarac cinema, screening of the film “Une vie démente” followed by a snack offered by FAG.

1.2 million people are affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disease in France, one in two French people know someone in their entourage who is affected by the disease, this pathology is the second most feared behind cancer. “The political world is not taking this subject head-on, when it should be a public health priority. This generates many preconceived ideas that push families to turn in on themselves and abandon all life social”, explains the association in a press release.



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