Miraculous Recovery of Children Rescued in Operation Hope: A Story of Survival and Hope

2023-06-22 05:54:58


The General Directorate of the Central Military Hospital updated the health status of the four children rescued in Operation Hope.

After eleven days of comprehensive care in the Pediatric Service, a notable improvement in their nutritional status was observed, including an increase in appetite, weight gain, and adequate tolerance to food intake.

It was also reported that the infectious pictures detected are being treated by specialists and a prompt resolution is expected. For the moment, the respiratory and contact isolation protocols are maintained due to the risk associated with their nutritional status, but a stable evolution is reported.

It should be added that the brothers continue to undergo interdisciplinary monitoring to ensure their recovery.

Finally, it should be said that the General Directorate of the Central Military Hospital expressed its satisfaction with the progressive recovery of the children and thanked the institutions involved in the process for their support and accompaniment.

Lesly (13 years old), Soleiny (9), Tien Noriel (5) and Cristin (1) survived 40 days in the jungle thanks to a cereal commonly consumed by indigenous communities, but little known in Colombian cities.

It is regarding fariña, a product made from cassava that provides energy and that was in the luggage carried by his mother, Magdalena Mucutuy, in the Cessna-206 HK-2803 plane that crashed on May 1 in Guaviare.

The one who confirmed that this product was decisive for the little brothers to endure the ravages of the jungle was the children’s grandfather, Narciso Mucutuy. In the suitcases there were 3 pounds of farina that Lesly dosed, as well as baby Cristin’s bottle that she distributed to give it to her little by little so that this milk would yield as long as possible. Once she ran out of the bottle, she began to fill it with fresh water from the jungle streams.

The little ones wandered through the jungle until they got tired of walking and decided to sit together. They took branches or wide leaves from the trees to escape the rain and for a time they were with Wilson, the Belgian shepherd rescue dog who is still missing in that jungle geography.

#recovery #children #rescued #Guaviare #jungle

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