2023-05-02 06:32:52
Julia Raevskaya
46 minutes ago
Renata Litvinova
A year has passed since the departure of Renata Litvinova from the country. Contrary to the hopes of some fans, the artist never returned to her native land. And it looks like that won’t happen.
Litvinova has always been an outstanding person among domestic stars. Not for their own merit, but due to unusual behavior. Strange antics, phrases out of place. Once Renata told a colleague that she would like to see sausage on the shelves of the Tkani store – the phrase was thrown out of the blue, and the actress did not wait for an answer. “She’s crazy,” that’s what some artists thought regarding Litvinova.
Although, of course, this is all an image, and Renata has not changed him for many years. Even having moved to Paris with her friend Zemfira, the actress did not change anything in her behavior. All the same strange phrases in social networks, unusual photo shoots. So, in her personal Telegram channel, Litvinova recently showed footage of her sitting right on the ground. All in black, wearing glasses, Renata mysteriously does not look at the camera, portraying a woman found on the grass. The artist did not give any explanation.
But even without looking for special meaning, Litvinova’s fresh photographs have something to look at. In January, the star turned 56 years old, but the actress does not look her age. For the sake of preserving youth, Renata never spared either strength or money.
“Miracles do not happen, and we must adequately accept our age. But you need to keep yourself “in mittens”: exercise physically, ban fried and fatty foods, do not drink vodka – and please yourself with magic creams. After all, with age, only your shell fades, and the soul is still the same young. Agree, this is so unfair! And there are some magic jars of cream that delay the moment of internal-external split… But, keeping yourself in discipline, you still need to allow yourself a glass of champagne! To grow old beautifully for me is not to live longer, like an indifferent turtle with cold blood, but, respecting myself, still taxi to a happy ending in love, smiling at my memories, ”Renata Litvinova once reasoned.
#Miracles #happen #blackened #Litvinova #grass