Miracle Recovery: 12-Year-Old Defeats Incurable Cancer – Learn the Incredible Story and Medical Breakthroughs

2023-10-01 15:51:30

For AC

Posted 40 minutes ago

The 12-year-old child recovered miraculously. bukhta79 / stock.adobe.com

“It is believed that Lucas had a particular form of the disease. We must understand what and why to succeed in medically reproducing in other patients what happened naturally with him. That would be great,” his doctor explained.

A true miracle. Lucas is 6 years old and feels discomfort when he urinates, as well as a slight staggering, specifies our colleagues of Parisian . The young Belgian suffers from an infiltrating glioma of the brain stem, a very aggressive pediatric cancer which only affects around ten children per year. Belgian doctors, destitute, suggested to them the idea of ​​the Gustave-Roussy institute, located in Villejuif, where a trial “Biomed» unfolds. He begins treatment with radiotherapy which is to extend over thirty sessions.

«We were hopeful, but the doctors were clear. They gave us the statistics, which were not good, not good at all…», remembers Cédric the father. The parents imagine leaving for the United States or Mexico to find treatment. Ultimately, they decide to stay and continue with radiation therapy. But Lucas’ health improves dramatically. After five years, the doctor who follows the young boy, Jacques Grill, plans to stop the treatments. “I didn’t know when to stop, or how, because there was no reference in the world“, he says.

He decides to talk to Lucas regarding it, and prescribes one last box. But the boy replies that he has one left in advance. “It was impossible,
I delivered exactly the number of tablets needed between two consultations. I understood that he no longer took it…», said the doctor. The child was no longer taking his medication, but he is cured. However, the pills do nothing to reassure the doctor: “Lucas is believed to have had a particular form of the disease. We must understand what and why to succeed in medically reproducing in other patients what happened naturally with him. That would be great».

#Lucas #recovers #incurable #cancer

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