Mirabeth and Yan Josua Share Valuable Experience Performing at the Sabang Merauke Performance

Mirabeth Sonia (right) and Yan Josua after the Sabang Merauke Performance (MI/Meilani Teniwut)

The 2024 Sabang Merauke Performance successfully captivated the audience with a spectacular presentation depicting the richness of Nusantara culture. Two talented young talents, Mirabeth Sonia and Yan Josua, were the main highlights of this prestigious event, performing regional songs with great enthusiasm and beauty.

Mirabeth, who is known as an Indonesian Idol top-10 finalist, delivered an energetic and colorful performance.

She performed the song Cik Cik Periuk with Gabriel Harvianyto, and duetted with BMS from West Kalimantan in the song Ayam Den Lapeh. Her performance successfully brought the nuances of Kalimantan and Minang, captivating the thousands of spectators who attended.

On the other hand, Yan Josua, a talented singer from Eastern Indonesia, also enchanted the audience with his melodious voice.

He performed a very famous regional song, Rasa Sayange, with a fresh interpretation but still respecting tradition.

The appearance of this man born in 1998 revives the spirit of togetherness contained in the song, strengthening the message that Indonesian culture is an asset that must be preserved.

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In an exclusive interview, Friday (16/8), Mirabeth shared the biggest challenges she faced during show preparations.

“The biggest challenge was to combine energy with hundreds of dancers who had already practiced. We as new singers had just joined, so we had to adapt quickly. Especially when we had to sing while dancing and riding a stretcher, it really drained our energy,” he said with a smile.

This experience taught him valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork and quick adaptation in a big show.

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Yan Josua also did not miss out on sharing his challenging experiences.

“The choreography is so dense that we have to really focus on memorizing every movement. In addition, we also have to maintain the stability of our voices when singing and dancing,” he said.

According to him, this challenge actually became a moment that strengthened his discipline and physical endurance as a singer.

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Although the challenges faced were not easy, both Mirabeth and Yan Josua admitted that they really enjoyed this valuable experience.

They feel lucky to be involved in the Sabang Merauke Performance which provides an opportunity to get to know and love Indonesian culture better.

“I am very grateful to be able to learn a lot about Indonesian culture. In the past, I only knew the culture in my hometown. But after being involved in this event, I became more open and appreciative of the cultural diversity in our country,” said Yan Josua enthusiastically.

Mirabeth also added her admiration for the opening of the event which featured an Acehnese song.

“I got goosebumps when I heard the Aceh song at the beginning of the show. It was really mesmerizing and made me love Indonesia even more,” she said with sparkling eyes.

Message for the younger generation

At the end of the interview, Mirabeth and Yan Josua delivered a special message to the young generation of Indonesia.

“Be proud to be an Indonesian child. Our country is very rich in culture and diversity. Let’s protect and preserve our culture,” Mirabeth said enthusiastically.

Josua added, “Never be afraid to pursue your dreams and develop your talents. Indonesia needs a creative and innovative young generation.”

The 2024 Sabang Merauke Festival is not just an art performance event, but also a symbol of national unity.

Through music and dance, the diversity of Indonesian culture is increasingly beautiful and captivating, inviting every child of the nation to always be proud and preserve this extraordinary cultural heritage. (Z-1)

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