MIR assignment final stretch: free places and specialties

Applicants to the MIR 2022.

Internal Medicine has awarded the 401 places offered for this call. The specialty, which premiered in the process of awarding MIR 2022 places with the 23rd applicant, has delivered its last vacancy to the order number 7.015. In the previous call, Internal Medicine ended the process following assigning the last of its 389 places to doctor 6,276; 739 order numbers before that this year.

In addition, in this session, three other specialties have been filled: Allergology, Radiation Oncology y Psychiatry. In the case of Allergologywith an initial offer of 71 places, has finalized the allocation with the applicant 7,235, while Psychiatry has delivered the last of its 296 places to doctor 6,903. Radiation Oncologywith two new assignments this Tuesday, has delivered the last of its 68 voters to order number 7,140.

Thus, with three new specialties sold out, they are already 33 areas that do not have places available. This Friday will end MIR assignment 2022 and, according to the daily report published this Tuesday by the Ministry of Health, the 81 percent of the offerso that the last applicants will be able to opt for the 1,593 beds that are still ownerless.

Final stretch of the MIR assignment: free places and specialties

Clinical Neurophysiology might be the next to join the list. And it is that, following having delivered 11 more seats in this session, there are only 5 spaces available. At this time, you have assigned the 91 percent of the offer for this call.

Pathological anatomywith 79 percent of places awarded and 27 vacancies available, and Immunologywith 80 percent assigned and only three places available, might also finish the process on the next day.

In this same line, Nuclear medicine registers an occupation of 77 percent, so it still has 11 positions to be awarded. Geriatricswhich has been awarded to 22 doctors in this session, has completed 58 percent of the quota, so it maintains 43 places available.

However, up to seven specialties have not managed to reach 50 percent of the quota when there are only three days left to end the award. This is the case of Clinical Analysis (10 percent), with 17 places available; Clinical Biochemistry (20 percent), with 4 seats; Clinical Pharmacology (47 percent), with 10 seats; Work Medicine (14 percent), with 92 vacancies; Preventive medicine and public health (35 percent), with 72 holes; Y Microbiology and Parasitology (27 percent), with 30 places.

The seventh that makes up the list of ‘farthest behind’ specialties in the adjudication is Family and Community Medicine. The specialty with the most supply has delivered 45 percent of the places, so there are still 1,279 available. In this session, in which the applicants with order number 6,801-7,300 of the Medicine degree were summoned, he has assigned 229 places.

According to the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours, 27 queries have been sent to the CAU-Services of the applicants for the Medicine degree. All those related to the candidates summoned in the session of May 17 have been successfully closed before the election period.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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