MIR 2024 Exam Results and Survey: What to Expect and How to Interpret Them

2024-01-22 16:20:00

He MIR 2024 exam It’s already history. The nerves and tension of the test are gone and are now replaced by the expectation of waiting to know the first results. The applicants, who have qualified the test as “atypical” according to first estimateshave captured in a survey made by Medical Writing what is the order number that they will obtain in the MIR 2024 and more than half of those surveyed answered the same: between 3,000 and 6,000.

To the question What order number do you think your exam result will place you in?, 51 percent answered “between 3,000 and 6,000.” 21 percent have been more optimistic and have set their number among the top 1,000while 19 percent have indicated the option “between 6,000 and 9,000” and only 9 percent have confessed that they will run once more next year.

And, as for the degree of difficulty of the MIR 2024 exam, the opinions have been quite even. 33 percent have assured that the test has been “difficult and net profits will go down” and 32 percent “neither easy nor difficult, the clear ones will remain”. However, 22 percent have marked the option that the exam has been “the most difficult in recent years” and 13 percent have described it as “easy.”

MIR images that maintain their difficulty

On the other hand, to the question What degree of difficulty have the images of the MIR 2024 exam presented?53 percent have agreed that they have been “similar to recent years”. On the contrary, 27 percent have indicated that they have been “more difficult” while the minority, 20 percent, have found them “easy.”

As for the “challengeable” questions, here the vast majority is clear. Up to 68 percent say they should be “more than three contested questions”21 percent believe that none should be challenged and 11 percent bet that “more than six questions” should be challenged.

At the end of the examination, the doctors confessed to this newspaper that The MIR exam has been “long and exhausting” due to the 34 pages of examination that has made up the medicine test. At this point, applicants note that the questions have been very “technical” with a lot of prominence for clinical questions and great relevance to basic sciences such as Immunology, Genetics or Geriatrics.

EIR survey: the majority will repeat

Medical Editorial also wanted to consult regarding the difficulty of the EIR exam to aspiring nurses and 32 percent of the candidates already plan to apply for the 2025 call. A large majority of Applicants have described this year’s test as “very difficult” and therefore they already have in mind to repeat the exam with the aim of reaching the specialist position that interests them most. Of the total number of people surveyed by this newspaper, only 22 percent see themselves as one of the first 500 applicants in the announcement. 32 percent, as already mentioned, assure that “it will be presented once more next year”, while 46 percent assume that it will be between positions 1,000 and 3,000.

Although topics related to Nursing have come up, the fact that the test was full of questions regarding legislation and that some of the most anticipated topics have not fallen, such as Hematology scaleshas caused this degree of discomfort to not disappear during the course of the four and a half hours that the test lasted.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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