2023-08-15 08:57:07
The regional meetings will make it possible to present a clear approach around the national orientations, in terms of investment incentives, as well as the opportunities available to implement private projects such as within the framework of the public-private partnership.
Five meetings to relaunch investment in the regions will be organised, starting today, by the Ministry of Economy and Planning, in collaboration with all the governorates.
These meetings, which will continue for two weeks, will be held in Sousse, Tozeur, Kasserine, Tabarka and Nabeul. “They aim to consolidate a participatory approach in the elaboration of development policies and programs, in particular those related to the stimulation of private investment, to the partnership between the public and private sectors, in addition to the encouragement of the initiative and entrepreneurship”said yesterday the Department of the Economy.
On the program, workshops which will have to develop themes such as the preferential and competitive advantages of each region. In addition, three other workshops will be organized on the themes: “Industrial and logistical infrastructure and programs relating to land use planning”, “Mechanisms related to the financial inclusion of vulnerable categories” and “Financing mechanisms , incentive and support”.
These workshops aim to deepen the debate between all stakeholders to examine ways to stimulate private investment in all regions of the country and exploit the opportunities and resources available. It is also a matter of presenting operational recommendations to strengthen the role of the private sector in the economic cycle.
These regional meetings “are part of the implementation of the 2023-2025 development plan, more specifically the axis relating to the revival of private investment and entrepreneurship”.
They will make it possible to present a clear approach around the national orientations, in terms of investment incentives, as well as the opportunities available to implement private projects such as within the framework of the public-private partnership (PPP).
#Ministry #Economy #Boosting #investment #regions