Ministry of Justice Takes Measures Against Food Poisoning in Seoul Detention Center Amidst Heatwave Warnings

2023-08-02 13:30:00

[과천=뉴시스]While heatwave warnings were issued across the country, some inmates at the Seoul Detention Center complained of symptoms of food poisoning. The Ministry of Justice took measures against patients and started management to prevent food poisoning. A photo of the Ministry of Justice. Newsis DB

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Park Hyeon-joon = While heatwave warnings were issued across the country, some inmates at the Seoul Detention Center complained of symptoms of food poisoning.

The Ministry of Justice took measures against patients and started management to prevent food poisoning.

According to the legal community on the 2nd, the Ministry of Justice said on the 29th of last month that some prisoners at the Seoul Detention Center in Uiwang City, Gyeonggi Province complained of food poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, and notified the health authorities immediately, while quarantined those with symptoms while working at the kitchen.

The Ministry of Justice said that Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon, who was immediately informed of this, ordered prompt identification of the cause and response, and visited the Seoul Detention Center on the 31st of last month to directly check the response situation.

At this meeting, Minister Han ordered, “Make every effort to manage summer hygiene and thermal disease patients in detention facilities nationwide, and thoroughly prepare for food poisoning prevention activities and supplement related manuals.”

Accordingly, the Ministry of Justice said that facilities across the country worked together with local food and drug administrations to prepare and implement measures to strengthen food poisoning prevention activities, such as conducting ‘prevention diagnosis and on-site inspection of food poisoning’.

An official from the Ministry of Justice said, “We plan to thoroughly manage the situation without slowing down in the future.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice dismissed reports of ‘Vibrio bacteria detection’ and ‘heat-related illnesses one after another’, which were reported in some media outlets, as untrue.

At the same time, he added that the fan in the living room is operated 24 hours a day by operating for 50 minutes and stopping for 10 minutes to prevent fire, etc., but some prisoners are administering fluids in the living room in consideration of various conditions such as corona prevention.

☞ Sympathy Media Newsis <저작권자ⓒ 공감언론 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

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