Ministry of Industry Launches Startup4Industry Investment Summit – 2024-07-22 21:57:58

Tech Link Summit 2024. (MI/HO)

The Ministry of Industry, through the Directorate General of Small, Medium and Miscellaneous Industries (Ditjen IKMA), has successfully held a tech startup meeting forum with manufacturers in Indonesia through the Tech Link Summit 2024 event.

The activity, which is intended for industry, technology startups and other stakeholders, was officially closed on July 20, 2024, marking a new chapter in the acceleration of industrial technology transformation in Indonesia.

Director General of Small, Medium and Miscellaneous Industries Reni Yanita, in an official statement, Saturday (20/7), said, “As a form of commitment to ongoing support for startup potential, the peak of the closing of the activity was marked by the launch of the Startup4Industry Investment Summit 2024, which is a forum to bring together potential technology startups with investors to encourage the sustainability of startup innovation.”

The Director General of IKMA also emphasized the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of the Tech Link Summit 2024 as the key to measuring the real impact of this event and formulating a more effective strategy for the Tech Link Summit 2025.

“This is also a commitment from the Ministry of Industry to continue to encourage collaboration between startups and industry players,” added Reni.

Tech Link Summit 2024 is not only a meeting place for startups and industry players, but also a forum for cross-sector collaboration.

Also read: Startup4Industry Program Participants Help SMEs Save Time and Energy

The involvement of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration and the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) is proof of the government’s seriousness in encouraging technological transformation in all levels of society and economic sectors.

“This activity has succeeded in bringing together dozens of startups and industry players, opening up opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration, and strengthening an inclusive startup ecosystem in Indonesia,” he added.

Director of SMEs in Metal, Machinery, Electronics and Transportation Equipment (LMEA), Dini Hanggandari, said that the Startup4Industry program has consistently become a means of bridging industrial needs with technological solutions from startups.

Also read: Through Startup4industry Investment Summit, Ministry of Industry Opens Funding Access

“Through Startup4Industry, we not only bring together startups with potential markets, but also open access to local and global investors, and this is a concrete step to strengthen the startup ecosystem in Indonesia,” explained Dini.

Startup4Industry Investment Summit 2024

The Startup4Industry Investment Summit 2024 program organized by the Ministry of Industry is expected to bring a much greater positive impact on the development of Indonesian tech startups.

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“This program is also expected to be an accelerator of technological transformation in Indonesia,” added Dini.

Dini said that this forum will bring together selected startups from the Startup4Industry program with potential investors, both from within and outside the country.

“The goal is to open up inclusive funding opportunities for startups, accelerate their growth, and encourage innovation in the industrial sector,” said Dini.

“Startup4industry Investment Summit 2024 is expected to be a platform for startups to present their technology solutions to investors, get valuable feedback, and establish strategic partnerships,” he continued.

“The achievements in the past 3 (three) days are sufficient to illustrate the high enthusiasm, both from startups and industry players, where as many as 752 people have visited this event and 71 business meetings have been established,” said the Chairman of the Indonesian Startup for Industry Association (Starfindo) Lukas Dedy Setiyawan.

On that occasion, Dedy explained that Starfindo confirmed the expansion of the Starfindo Association network to the Central Sulawesi and East Java areas by establishing partnerships with local movers. This network expansion is to strengthen the ecosystem of technology solutions to the manufacturing industry throughout Indonesia. (Z-1)

#Ministry #Industry #Launches #Startup4Industry #Investment #Summit



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