Ministry of Health warns of increased positivity of covid-19 in Colombia

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, pointed out that the Covid-19 disease remains in the country, so the application of the booster doses of the Covid-19 vaccine is essential.

“There is denial about the virus and the disease remains, in recent weeks we have seen the increase in positivity, which is also worrying and could lead us to growth situations that can be evidenced in hospitalization and deaths,” the Minister assured the closure of the Unified Command Post on Covid-19 this Friday.

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It should be noted that in the last month the cases of covid-19 have increased in the country, going from an average of 1,000 cases reported in the first week of May to more than 5,000 in the last seven days, according to the most recent report. However, deaths remain stable with 12 weekly wishes on average.

For this reason, the Minister sent a message in which he hopes that Colombians will continue attending the vaccination points to complete the vaccination schedules, especially the reinforcements, that is, the third and fourth doses.

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“We need to maintain immunity levels in the populations at greatest risk, which is why the application of the first and second booster is important,” he asserted.

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