Ministry of Health Quality Diagnostic Tools for Disease Intervention – 2024-08-06 03:36:01

Patients queue to get services at the health center. (Indriyani/MI)

Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Lucia Rizka Andalusia emphasized the importance of providing quality diagnostic tools for more precise disease intervention.

“Various important health programs are supported by the provision of good and quality diagnostic tools at affordable prices so that the interventions carried out are also faster and more precise,” said Lucia in Jakarta, Saturday (⅜) at a seminar entitled “Shaping the Future: Rethinking Access through Diagnostics in Indonesia.

According to him, the provision of quality diagnostic tools needs to prioritize availability, affordability and accessibility.

“A targeted and accurate diagnosis can help, so we can reduce unnecessary treatment if the diagnosis is correct,” he said.

Lucia also explained that currently, health financing in Indonesia is mostly filled with non-communicable diseases, such as degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or cancer, which can actually be detected earlier.

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Burden of disease

He said that Indonesia currently still relies on imported products for diagnostics, so the Ministry of Health is currently focusing on building domestic capacity to provide independent diagnostic tools.

“We also hope that we will not only depend on imported products, because during the Covid-19 pandemic, we experienced problems in obtaining reagents (reaction materials) and medicines because we depended on imported products, so we need to build domestic capacity,” he explained.

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In addition, he also emphasized the importance of research and development efforts related to diagnostics for early disease intervention.

On that occasion, Roche Diagnostics Indonesia also signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Health regarding increasing early detection efforts and public health efforts in the context of disease control.

“This synergy is a form of Roche Indonesia’s commitment to supporting the health transformation agenda and is a major step in achieving common goals for better health services and wider access to health. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to partner with the Ministry of Health to realize a Healthy Indonesia,” said Director of Diagnostics Division PT Roche Indonesia Lee Poh-Seng. (Ant/H-3)

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