Ministry of Health Celebrates Triumph Against Coronavirus

11.09.2024 13:37

(Akt. 11.09.2024 13:37)

Hardly any Covid patients in the intensive care units ©APA/THEMENBILD

After the Vienna Medical Association warned of a “catastrophic corona situation”, the Ministry of Health gave the all-clear on Wednesday. The situation is similar to that of the previous year and there is “no great cause for concern,” said Katharina Reich, Director General for Public Health, on the Ö1 midday journal. However, she called for vaccinations for whooping cough.

“Both our wastewater monitoring and our dashboard regarding hospital admissions and also our sentinel surveillance – that is, the information from the practices of general practitioners – show a constant but slow increase in infections. This development is almost the same as last year,” Reich told Ö1.

There are also no signs that the situation in the intensive care units could worsen again. According to Reich, the number of admissions due to Covid in recent weeks has been “almost in the single digits”. “There is no reason to be concerned here. We have sufficient capacity,” said the Director General.

In the colder season, however, infections are likely to rise again. “This will be the same as last year. It is now a matter of becoming more alert again when we spend more time indoors, when life takes place less outdoors, and also of thinking again about how I behave when I feel symptoms of infection,” said Reich.

Influenza and RSV are not currently an issue either, as these diseases only occur in the cold season. “It starts in October or November at the earliest. The peaks, i.e. the highest numbers, are recorded in December, January and February. So we still have time,” says Reich.

The situation is somewhat different with whooping cough, however. “We have seen increasing numbers of cases of whooping cough for many years, so here is a big call for vaccination: whooping cough must also be regularly boosted,” appealed the Secretary General.

Regarding the criticism from the Vienna Medical Association that the federal government no longer pays for Covid tests in doctors’ offices, which are necessary in order to be able to get the drug Paxlovid prescribed, Reich saw the ball in the negotiating partners’ court. “In a normal situation, as we have now, in a normal infection situation, the social insurance is responsible for financing these things. And in which mode, which is then to be negotiated between the social insurance and the Medical Association, is also up to the social insurance,” said the Secretary General.

### PAA Related Questions for “Austria’s COVID-19 Situation:‌ A Cause for‍ Concern or All-Clear?”

Austria’s COVID-19 Situation:⁢ A Cause⁢ for ⁤Concern or All-Clear?

As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, Austria has recently seen a mix of warnings⁢ and reassurances from health officials. ⁤The Vienna Medical Association warned of a “catastrophic corona situation,” but the Ministry of Health has given the all-clear, stating that the situation​ is similar ⁢to last year and‍ there is ⁢”no great cause for concern.”

According to Katharina Reich, Director General for Public Health, the current ⁢situation is characterized by a constant but slow increase in infections,‌ similar ‍to last year’s trend. Wastewater monitoring, ⁢hospital admissions, and sentinel surveillance all point to a stable situation, with no signs of a worsening trend in intensive care units. In fact, the number of COVID-19 admissions in recent weeks has been “almost in the single digits.”

Reich did, however, caution ‍that infections are likely to ⁣rise⁢ again in⁢ the colder season, just as‌ they did last year. This is due to the fact that people spend more ​time indoors during ‌this⁤ period, increasing the risk of ⁢transmission. To ⁤mitigate this, Reich emphasized​ the importance of becoming more alert to symptoms and taking necessary precautions.

Influenza and RSV,‌ other major respiratory illnesses, are not currently a concern, as they typically occur in the cold season. According to Reich, the‍ peaks for these diseases usually occur in December, January, ‍and February, ‌so there is still time to prepare.

The one exception to ‌this generally ⁤stable⁢ situation is whooping cough, which has seen​ increasing numbers of‍ cases over the years. Reich has sounded the alarm, ⁣calling for‌ regular vaccinations to boost immunity⁣ against this contagious disease.

So, what do the numbers ‍tell us? According to‍ Reuters, there have been⁤ 4,574,722 infections and​ 18,916 coronavirus-related deaths reported in Austria since the pandemic began [[1]]. Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 tracker also provides insightful data on the country’s COVID-19 situation [[3]].

While the situation in Austria may seem stable ​for now,‌ it’s essential to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other‌ respiratory illnesses. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, we can work together to minimize the impact of these diseases on our communities.


[1] Reuters. (2022). Austria: the latest coronavirus counts, charts and maps.

[2] COVID-19 Projections. (n.d.). Cumulative deaths.

[3] Johns Hopkins University. (n.d.). Austria – ​COVID-19 Overview.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria: Update and Vaccination Information”:

COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria: Update and Vaccination Information

As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, Austria has been taking measures to mitigate its spread and protect its citizens. In this article, we will provide an update on the current situation in Austria and highlight the importance of vaccination against COVID-19.

Current Situation

According to recent reports, the Ministry of Health in Austria has given the all-clear on the COVID-19 situation, stating that it is similar to last year and there is no great cause for concern [https://wwwvolat/[https://wwwvolat/]. The number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units has been consistently low, with admissions due to COVID-19 in recent weeks being “almost in the single digits” [https://wwwvolat/[https://wwwvolat/].

Vaccination Against COVID-19

In Austria, vaccination against COVID-19 is available for everyone free of cost, and can be obtained at doctors’ offices, vaccination centers, and other locations [2[2]. The Austrian government has been actively promoting vaccination as a key measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

History of COVID-19 in Austria

Austria reported its first two cases of COVID-19 on February 25, 2020, involving a 24-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman who had traveled from Lombardy, Italy <a href="”>[1[1].

Importance of Vaccination

While the current situation in Austria may seem under control, it is essential to remain vigilant and take precautions against COVID-19. The Director General for Public Health, Katharina Reich, has called for vaccinations against whooping cough, which has seen increasing numbers of cases in recent years [https://wwwvolat/[https://wwwvolat/].


while Austria’s COVID-19 situation is currently under control, it is crucial to remain alert and take preventive measures, including vaccination. By doing so, we can protect ourselves and others from the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases such as whooping cough.







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