Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology “Mathematics, Data Science and AI Education Program (Literacy Level …” – Kawasaki Medical Welfare University

The following programs in our university’s basic education subjects have been certified as “Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education Programs (Literacy Level)” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Recognition deadline: March 31, 2011

The “Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education Program (Literacy Level)” is a system in which the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology certifies excellent educational programs that meet certain requirements among regular university curriculum educational programs in mathematics, data science, and AI, which are the “reading, writing, and arithmetic” of the digital age.

The literacy levels consist of an “introduction” level, which teaches the relationship between data and society; a “basics” level, which teaches the basic abilities to interpret and handle data; and a “knowledge” level, which teaches ethical, legal, and social points to keep in mind when utilizing data and AI. These levels are positioned as knowledge that all students at universities and other educational institutions should have.

This change will come into effect this academic year, so students taking courses that are part of the program from the fall semester of 2024 onwards will be considered to have achieved the literacy level by earning credits for courses that are part of the program.

In addition, students who have already taken courses that are part of the program and have received credits for them in the spring semester of this academic year will be considered to have mastered the literacy level.