Ministry of Culture for Kasselaki swimming pool: There is clearly an archaeological illegality 2024-08-22 18:19:14

The announcement of the Ministry of Culture:

It is obvious that the Press Office of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance is either unable to understand what “illegality from an archaeological point of view” means, or is deliberately hiding it, in its attempt to mislead public opinion.

According to the existing institutional framework and jurisprudence, there is an archaeological illegality, when a swimming pool is built within the protected by archaeological legislation – thus also the Ministry of Culture – settlement of Spetses, where the house of the President of Mr. St. Kasselakis.

The 1978 license cited by SYRIZA does not concern a swimming pool, but a septic tank, i.e. a cesspool. The conversion of the septic tank into a swimming pool, in 2024, apparently requires a permit from the relevant services of the Ministry of Culture. Given the permission of the YPPO, a permit is subsequently issued by the Town Planning Department.

The autopsy report, which SYRIZA invokes, has not yet been hierarchically submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the audit is still ongoing. Let them not rush. Let them wait for the decision of the competent public services.

The announcement of SYRIZA:

The inspection carried out yesterday at the residence of Stefanos Kasselakis in Spetses by a team of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands did not detect any illegality from an archaeological point of view, as the dimensions of the “swimming pool” are completely identical to the plans submitted to the Archaeological Service in 1978.

In other words, despite the noise created, “coal is the treasure”.

It is certainly understandable that “the control continues” and that the “sources” of the Ministry of Culture have received an order from above to maintain in the public a matter that was made up from the beginning. Even more so, since the result of yesterday’s autopsy did not satisfy the “sources” of the government.

After all, it is known to everyone who is the one and only authentic “source” of the now daily toxicity operation in the political life of the country: Kyriakos Mitsotakis. If you consider how much mud and slander he spewed on his way from 41% to 28%, you realize what is going to happen now that the decline is accelerating leading to the complete political discredit of his government.

In any case:

1) We welcome the speed of the Ministry of Culture. If the “staff” state had shown similar speed in dealing with disasters, Attica would have been saved. Also, we hope that Ms. Mendoni has shown similar zeal and has sent the Archaeological Service for an autopsy to the house of her adviser, Ms. Panagiotarea, in Plaka.

2) The finding that there is no archaeological illegality irreparably exposes the government, Pavlos Marinakis, the MPs and all ND officials who rushed to uncritically adopt the (as it turns out) subliminal publication of the First Topic. Let them find something else to hit the President of SYRIZA, St. Kasselakis.

3) It is not only unprecedented but also dangerous the reference of the “sources” of the Ministry of Culture that the 1978 license “cannot be valid”. This particular reference, apart from having no basis in the law and creating legal uncertainty for citizens, it also shows how the government thinks and works: if reality doesn’t satisfy it, reality has the problem…

PS Let Kyriakos Mitsotakis therefore stop targeting his political opponent. The booty state, its administrative inadequacy and its well-crafted propaganda, have made the political life of the country…a septic tank.

Kasselakis was “exposed”: With a cesspool license since 1978, the swimming pool in Spetses – What sources of the Ministry of Culture reveal

An inspection of his residence was carried out on Monday (19/8) by a team of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands, as sources of the Ministry of Culture emphasize.

Specifically, according to the same sources, a team of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands went yesterday, Monday, August 19, to the residence of the President of SYRIZA-PS, Stefanos Kasselakis, in Spetses.

The engineer showed the inspectors a permit from 1978, which had been given for the construction of a septic tank, i.e. a cesspool.

The engineer claims that what is seen today as a swimming pool is the septic tank.

In any case, according to sources from the Ministry of Culture, the 1978 license cannot be valid almost 50 years later. And they emphasize that the institutional framework for Spetses has been completely revised in recent years.

In any case, however, the audit has not been completed and is ongoing, according to sources from the Ministry of Culture.

Kasselakis for a swimming pool in Spetses: “An older water tank was highlighted and beautified”

It is recalled that Stefanos Kasselakis had mentioned about the swimming pool at his holiday home in Spetses that “an older water tank was beautified”.

In his post on X, the president of SYRIZA had responded to the publication of the newspaper “Proto Thema”, emphasizing regarding the pool in Spetses that “for the “pool” (1.40 meters deep) of my house in Spetses, in May of 2023 I have asked my engineers to submit all relevant documents so that all home renovation work permits can be issued. During them, cleaning and restoration work of the surrounding area (courtyard) was also carried out, in which an older water tank, which existed for decades in the exact same area (as well as a well), was highlighted and beautified. Without ANY EXCAVATION”.

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#Ministry #Culture #Kasselaki #swimming #pool #archaeological #illegality



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