Ministry of Agriculture’s Increased Funding Fails to Boost National Crop Output

Ministry of Agriculture‘s Additional Budget Not Enough to Restore National Agricultural Production”/>

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono checks agricultural land in Solo, Central Java. (MI/Widjajadi)

Agricultural observer, Syaiful Bahari, said that the budget received by the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) for 2025 of IDR 29.37 trillion is actually not enough to restore national agricultural production, especially in the food sector.

“Considering the decline in food agricultural productivity that has occurred since 2022 until now, this has been caused by various factors, including fertilizers and seeds, drought, and acute soil damage,” said Syaiful when contacted on Friday (13/9).

As is known, the total budget obtained by the Ministry of Agriculture for 2025 is IDR 29.37 trillion from the previous figure of only IDR 7.91 trillion. Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono said the additional budget will be used to support the quick wins food barn program.

“With the limited budget, the Ministry of Agriculture should make a priority scale which in the short term can help normalize production. So that there is no deficit in national rice reserves so that it can reduce the number of rice imports,” said Syaiful.

He also emphasized that the concept of the food barn must be clear, so that the limited budget does not become inefficient and has a direct impact on increasing productivity.

“The main thing now is how to encourage our farmers to remain enthusiastic about farming amidst high production costs and losses due to crop failure,” he explained.

Syaiful said, the acceleration of the development of food barns, also cannot only be burdened to agriculture. This program, he continued, should also involve other ministries, such as PUPR, ATR/BPN and KLHK and this cross-sector coordination must be under the direct supervision of the President.

“So that handling the food crisis must be a national priority, so that we are free from the trap of rice imports,” he concluded. (J-3)

#Ministry #Agricultures #Additional #Budget #Restore #National #Agricultural #Production

-⁤ What specific measures can the Ministry of Agriculture take ⁢to ensure effective allocation of the increased budget ⁤for agricultural production? ​

“Insufficient Budget: Can the Ministry of Agriculture Restore National Agricultural ‍Production?”

The Indonesian Ministry‍ of Agriculture ⁢(Kementan) has received a budget of ‍IDR 29.37 trillion⁣ for 2025, a significant increase from the previous ⁢year’s IDR ⁢7.91 trillion. ‌However, agricultural observers are skeptical about whether⁤ this‌ amount‍ is sufficient to restore national agricultural production, particularly in the food sector.

Decline ⁢in ⁣Food Agricultural Productivity

According⁤ to Syaiful Bahari, an ⁣agricultural ⁣observer, the decline in food agricultural productivity has been ongoing since 2022. ‌This decline is attributed to various factors, including:

  1. Fertilizers and ‍seeds: The quality and availability of fertilizers‌ and ⁣seeds have been ‌subpar, affecting crop yields.
  2. Drought: Prolonged⁤ droughts⁤ have damaged ⁤crops and ⁤affected agricultural output.
  3. Acute⁣ soil damage:⁢ Soil degradation has led to ⁢reduced fertility, making it challenging to grow crops.

Prioritizing the‌ Quick Wins Food ⁢Barn Program

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono has stated that the additional budget will be utilized to⁣ support the ​quick wins food barn program. However, with ​a limited budget,​ prioritization is crucial to ⁣ensure that the allocated funds are used efficiently.

Expert Opinion: Limited Budget Requires Efficient Allocation

Syaiful Bahari emphasizes​ the need⁣ for a priority‍ scale to‌ normalize‍ production in ​the ‍short term. This would‌ involve:

  1. Reducing rice imports: By increasing domestic rice production, Indonesia can reduce its reliance on ‌imports and stabilize rice⁢ reserves.
  2. Increasing⁣ productivity: The ‍Ministry of Agriculture should ‍focus on enhancing productivity to meet the country’s food demands.

The Concept of Food Barn: A Clear ⁤Direction Needed

Syaiful ‍Bahari stresses that the concept of the⁣ food barn‍ must be clear and well-defined to avoid inefficient‌ allocation of funds. A clear direction is necessary to ensure that the limited budget has a direct impact‍ on increasing productivity.

Encouraging Farmers: The Way Forward

The current challenge lies in encouraging farmers ‌to remain ‍enthusiastic ‌about their work, ⁤despite the ​limited budget. The‌ Ministry of Agriculture must work‌ closely with farmers to⁢ provide them with the ⁢necessary ⁢support and⁣ resources to improve productivity.


While⁣ the ⁤increased budget‍ for the Ministry of Agriculture is⁤ a positive step, it is‍ essential to acknowledge that IDR 29.37 trillion might not be⁣ sufficient to restore ‌national agricultural production.‌ Efficient allocation of funds, prioritization of the quick wins food barn program, and a clear direction on the ‍concept of food barn are critical to achieving this goal. By working together ‌with farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture can ensure a ⁣brighter future for ⁣Indonesia’s agricultural‍ sector.

Keyword Tags: Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural production, food ⁣sector, budget allocation, quick ​wins food ‍barn program, fertilizers and seeds, drought, acute ‍soil‍ damage, rice imports, productivity,⁤ farmers.

It challenging for farmers to achieve optimal yields.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the Ministry of Agriculture’s additional budget and its impact on national agricultural production:

Insufficient Budget: Can the Ministry of Agriculture Restore National Agricultural Production?

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has received a budget of IDR 29.37 trillion for 2025, a significant increase from the previous year’s IDR 7.91 trillion. However, agricultural observers are skeptical about whether this amount is sufficient to restore national agricultural production, particularly in the food sector.

Decline in Food Agricultural Productivity

According to Syaiful Bahari, an agricultural observer, the decline in food agricultural productivity has been ongoing since 2022. This decline is attributed to various factors, including:

Fertilizers and seeds: The quality and availability of fertilizers and seeds have been subpar, affecting crop yields.

Drought: Prolonged droughts have damaged crops and affected agricultural output.

* Acute soil damage: Soil degradation has led to reduced fertility, making



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