Information about the interest of Moravia Steel, which is controlled by billionaire Tomáš Chrenek, appeared earlier. Moravia Steel, which operates, among other things, Třinecké železárny, announced an interest in the pipe mill, which employs eight hundred people.
“What we have already published applies, we are interested in operating a pipe mill. Negotiations are already underway,” Moravia Steel spokeswoman Petra Macková told Novinká on Wednesday before noon.
Liberty is in bankruptcy and is planning massive layoffs. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs claims that it is prepared for possible layoffs. The takeover of the company or at least its parts, which the ministers want to discuss, could prevent him.
Liberty employs about 5,000 people, and about 2,600 of them would lose their jobs if the coke plant’s closure, which was announced Tuesday, was announced.
The Liberty smelter in Ostrava is about to lay off up to 2,600 people