Minister ratifies commitment to the continuous improvement of the Expanded Immunization Program

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Asunción, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Health presented the results of the self-evaluation of the Expanded Immunization Program (EPI), a tool to measure the performance of the program in its 13 essential components. In this context, Minister María Teresa Barán stressed the commitment to universal vaccination coverage and the importance of teamwork.

This evaluation made it possible to identify strengths and areas that require attention to ensure greater effectiveness in vaccination coverage throughout the country. An action plan was also presented, designed to implement immediate improvements, reported the Ministry of Public Health.

During the presentation, it was highlighted that the analysis covered both the national level and the regions and districts, allowing a complete view of the state of the PAI to be obtained.

About the main findings

Among the main findings, the importance of strengthening equipment and protocols was mentioned to ensure that vaccines are maintained in optimal conditions from storage to administration.

Likewise, the issue of training health personnel was addressed. Although many health workers have adequate training, the importance of continuing to strengthen the skills of personnel at all levels was highlighted, not only to improve the technique in the application of vaccines, but also in the management of information and data, which is essential to efficiently track immunizations and ensure that decisions are made based on solid evidence.

Another component identified was social communication. It was highlighted that, although there are awareness campaigns, these must be intensified, especially in the most remote and vulnerable communities. Minister Barán stressed the importance of internal communication between work teams.

«Good internal communication is key so that information flows and is translated into effective actions. Without sharing the right information, we will not be able to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves,” he said. In addition, the need to strengthen alliances with local governments and civil organizations to improve the mobilization and dissemination of information on vaccination was mentioned.

The analysis also revealed that, although good levels have been achieved in the political prioritization of the EPI, there is still a need to improve inter-institutional coordination to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and that all areas are covered, especially those with less access. to health services.

Data collection and the use of indicators were other points highlighted. It was emphasized that, although a monitoring system exists, it is important to improve the collection and analysis of information to ensure that decisions on resource distribution are based on reliable and up-to-date data.

This aspect is especially relevant to guarantee equity in access to vaccines, ensuring that the most vulnerable populations are not left behind.

Effective communication and teamwork

The Minister of Health closed the event by reaffirming the Ministry’s commitment to the continuous improvement of the PAI. He stressed the importance of teamwork and the need for effective communication between all actors involved in the health system.

«Our objective is clear: to ensure that all Paraguayans have access to vaccines. This is not only about preventing diseases, but also about protecting our families and guaranteeing the well-being of society,” he noted.

In addition, the Secretary of State highlighted that the action plan will be implemented immediately, focusing on resolving the gaps. Measures include strengthening the supply chain, training staff and improving data collection.

New awareness campaigns will also be launched, with a special focus on the most vulnerable communities. “With this coordinated effort, we want to guarantee that no Paraguayan is left without access to vaccination,” concluded Minister Barán.

#Minister #ratifies #commitment #continuous #improvement #Expanded #Immunization #Program

Interview​ with Minister of Health María‌ Teresa Barán‌ on the EPI Self-Evaluation Results

Editor: Thank you for​ joining⁤ us today, Minister Barán. ‌The Ministry ‍of Health recently presented the self-evaluation results of the Expanded Immunization Program (EPI).⁤ Can you explain ‌why this evaluation was necessary?

Minister Barán: Thank you for⁢ having me. The ⁢evaluation ⁤was essential as it allowed us to⁣ assess​ the ⁤performance of our‌ immunization ⁤program across its 13 crucial components. It provided us with a thorough understanding of both our‌ strengths and areas that need improvement, which ⁤is critical⁢ to ensuring ⁣universal​ vaccination coverage in Paraguay.

Editor: What ⁢were some of the key findings from the evaluation?

Minister Barán: One of the main⁣ findings emphasized the ⁢need to strengthen our equipment and protocols to maintain vaccines⁤ in optimal conditions from‍ storage to⁣ administration. Additionally, while many⁢ health workers are well-trained, we identified the necessity for ⁣ongoing training ​to enhance their ⁤skills in vaccine application and⁤ data management. This ensures immunizations ⁢are tracked effectively and decisions are informed by‌ solid evidence.

Editor: Communication was also highlighted as a significant aspect. Can you elaborate on that?

Minister Barán: Absolutely. While we have ⁢conducted awareness campaigns,⁢ we need to intensify these ⁤efforts, particularly in remote⁢ and vulnerable communities. ‌Furthermore, good internal communication within our teams is critical. Without effective information sharing, ⁣achieving our goals will ‌be​ very challenging.⁣ We also aim to strengthen partnerships with local governments and civil organizations to improve ‍information dissemination about vaccination.

Editor: ⁤The ‍evaluation noted progress ​in political prioritization, but also revealed challenges with inter-institutional coordination. What steps⁢ are you planning ​to address these?

Minister ⁣Barán: We‌ recognize that although we have made ‌headway in prioritizing the EPI, it is vital ⁣to enhance ​coordination ‍between institutions.⁣ We are developing an action plan aimed at ensuring equitable resource⁤ distribution, especially ⁣to areas with less access to health services. Our focus is‍ on building‌ collaborative frameworks ⁣that will bridge existing gaps⁢ in service delivery.

Editor: Thank you, Minister⁣ Barán, for sharing these insights.⁢ What is⁤ your message to the public ⁣regarding the‌ importance⁢ of vaccinations?

Minister Barán: Vaccinations ‍are crucial for⁣ protecting our communities and ensuring public ⁤health. I urge ⁢everyone to stay informed and take part in vaccination programs. Together,⁤ with commitment and teamwork,⁤ we can enhance our immunization coverage and protect the health‍ of⁢ all Paraguayans.‌ Thank you!

Editor: Thank you for ‍your time,⁢ Minister Barán. We look forward to seeing the positive impacts‌ of your initiatives on public health.

Organizations to enhance the dissemination of vaccination information across all communities.

Editor: What steps will be taken to address the areas that require improvement?

Minister Barán: We have developed an action plan that will be implemented immediately. This includes strengthening the supply chain for vaccines, providing additional training to our health personnel, and improving our data collection and analysis systems. It’s crucial that we base our decisions on reliable, up-to-date information, ensuring that we reach the most vulnerable populations.

Editor: could you share your vision for the future of the EPI in Paraguay?

Minister Barán: Our vision is clear: every Paraguayan should have access to vaccines. This is not just about preventing diseases; it’s about safeguarding our families and communities. With ongoing efforts and a commitment to teamwork and effective communication, I believe we will overcome the challenges we face and achieve comprehensive immunization coverage throughout the country.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Minister Barán. It’s clear that the Ministry of Health is dedicated to improving vaccination access and effectiveness in Paraguay.

Minister Barán: Thank you for having me. Together, we can ensure a healthier future for all Paraguayans.

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