“Minister of the Displaced reveals plans for addressing Syrian displacement crisis: Latest News and Updates”

2023-05-27 12:10:39


The Minister of the Displaced in the caretaker government, Essam Sharaf al-Din, revealed that “a consultative meeting will be held in the Government Houses on the seventh of next month on the file of the displaced Syrians,” explaining that “assigning him to prepare the meeting and the ministerial session dedicated to addressing the issue of displacement does not mean limiting the file to it.”

He said in a radio interview: “We and Minister Hector Al-Hajjar are one, and we are a cohesive committee of seven ministers,” noting that “negotiations between the Lebanese state and the Commission yesterday focused on re-payment exclusively in Lebanese pounds.”

Regarding the visit of an official delegation to Syria, Sharaf al-Din expected that “the visit will take place after the Brussels summit, so that the picture becomes clearer.”

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