Minister of National Defense Highlights the Crucial Contribution of Reserve Forces to National Security

Speaking on Saturday at the conference held in the Kaunas officers’ barracks, A. Anušauskas said that it is important not only to increase the combat power of the army, but also to ensure its ability to switch to a wartime structure in the shortest possible time with the help of the reserve, so that it is ready to respond quickly.

According to the minister, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the deteriorating security situation in the region mean that Lithuania pays special attention to its defense – modernization and strengthening of the army is underway, a lot of attention is paid not only to weapons and soldiers, but also to the army reserve.

“The combat power of the Lithuanian army is growing, we are in the development stage and the supply needs remain high. As funding increases, we have a historic opportunity to deliver further qualitative momentum. We see it across all cuts: provisioning, infrastructure, staffing. The army is ready to react at any time,” the minister was quoted as saying in the statement of the Ministry of National Defense.

Deputy Minister of National Defense Žilvinas Tomkus emphasized that the basis of the state’s combat power is the Lithuanian army, therefore it is very important to ensure its consistent development.

“However, it is not possible to ensure state defense without allies and broad public involvement,” said Ž. Tomkus, presenting the main directions of the development of the Lithuanian army in the context of the army reserve. He emphasized that ambitions in this area cannot be reduced.

According to the MoD, it was discussed at the conference that in order for the active army reserve to be well prepared and able to take on tasks immediately, it is necessary to increase the number of conscripts who have to update their military skills more rapidly.

According to presidential adviser Tomas Godliauskas, in the opinion of the country’s leader, the army reserve must be integrated into the common defense of the state and the armed forces.

“For this, the reserve must be properly prepared, constantly trained and equipped with the necessary resources. In strengthening the national defense system, it is necessary to increase the number of well-trained conscripts”, said the presidential advisor T. Godliauskas.

The prepared reserve of the Lithuanian Armed Forces consists of all citizens of Lithuania under the age of 60 who have military readiness and have completed active military service. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is aimed that by 2025 the active reserve will be 36 thousand, and the prepared reserve will approach 120 thousand.

The conference discussed military commandants. According to the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the event of a state of war, commandants should become a bridge connecting the country’s armed forces and citizens who can defend the state with a weapon – reserve soldiers, civil organizations such as the Lithuanian Rifle Association, hunting groups or other persons who have and are able to use firearms.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Eugenijas Lastauskas, who participated in the discussion, one of the priorities of the Lithuanian army is to strengthen the network of military commanders in Lithuania.

“A well-functioning institute of military commandants perfectly supports the armed forces, coordinates civil sector support actions for defense and significantly facilitates mutual dialogue between the civil authorities and the military in deterring the enemy or national defense,” said E. Lastauskas.

After the declaration of martial law in the country, the officers who are appointed to the position of city military commandant should form city military commandants that administer, take care of support and are responsible for operational actions.

These functions are reliable for certain commando units, which must be formed from reserve soldiers, riflemen and other persons fit for combat operations. Currently, military commandants of six cities and 54 districts are appointed in Lithuania.

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#Minister #National #Defense #emphasizes #importance #reserve #defense #country
2024-09-06 21:02:26

Lithuania military rank in World

Strengthening the​ Lithuanian ‌Armed Forces: Prioritizing Reserve Development and Military Commandants

In‍ recent times, Lithuania has been paying special attention to its defense, driven by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the deteriorating security situation in⁣ the ⁢region. The country’s Minister of National Defense, ⁤A. ⁣Anušauskas, emphasized the importance‌ of ​not only increasing the‍ combat power of the army but ‌also ensuring its ability to switch to a wartime structure quickly ⁣with the ⁢help of ⁢the reserve. This means that the focus is‍ on strengthening the‌ Lithuanian Armed⁤ Forces, modernizing ⁢and developing its capabilities, and prioritizing the development‍ of the ⁣army reserve.

The Current State of ​the​ Lithuanian Armed Forces

The Lithuanian Armed Forces consist of 15,000⁤ active-duty⁤ personnel, including ⁤2,400 civilians,‌ and are supported by 100,000 reserve forces [[1]]. The country’s armed forces ⁢are a vital ⁢component ⁤of its defense⁢ system, and their development is essential for ensuring national ‌security.

The‍ Importance of the Army Reserve

The army⁢ reserve‍ plays a critical role in Lithuania’s defense system. It consists of all citizens of ⁤Lithuania under the age of 60 who have military readiness and have completed active ⁣military service [[3]]. The goal is to⁢ have 36,000⁣ active ‍reserve personnel and a prepared reserve of⁣ 120,000⁤ by 2025 [[3]]. The reserve is essential⁤ for ensuring the‍ country’s ability to ‌respond‍ quickly to potential threats.

Military Commandants: A Key Component ‌of⁤ National ‌Defense

Military commandants are ⁢crucial for connecting the country’s armed forces with ⁤citizens who can defend the ⁤state with weapons, including reserve soldiers, ​civil organizations, ‍and ⁢other persons who have and are able to use firearms [[3]]. In ⁢the event ​of a state of war, commandants should become ⁣a ⁢bridge between the armed forces and citizens, ‍facilitating mutual dialogue and supporting defense efforts. Currently, military‌ commandants of six cities and 54 districts are⁢ appointed in Lithuania.

Priorities for the Development of the Lithuanian Army

The development of the ​Lithuanian⁢ army is critical for​ ensuring national⁣ security. The Deputy Minister ⁤of National Defense, Žilvinas Tomkus,⁢ emphasized that⁢ the basis of the‍ state’s combat power is⁤ the Lithuanian army, and‍ it is essential to ensure its consistent development ​ [[3]]. The​ priorities for the development of the Lithuanian army include:

  1. Strengthening the network of⁤ military commanders in Lithuania to support the ⁤armed forces and ⁣coordinate civil sector​ support actions for defense.
  2. Increasing the ⁤number of ⁤conscripts who⁣ have to update ⁢their military skills more rapidly⁤ to ensure the active reserve is well​ prepared and​ able to take on tasks immediately.
  3. Integrating the army reserve into the common defense of the state ⁢and the armed ⁢forces, ensuring they are properly prepared, constantly ⁢trained, and equipped with the necessary resources.


Lithuania’s ⁢defense system is critical for ensuring national security, ⁢and the development of the Lithuanian Armed Forces is a top‌ priority. The country’s ‌focus on strengthening its army reserve and military ⁢commandants is ‌essential for responding to potential threats and ensuring the⁤ country’s ability to defend itself. By prioritizing ‍the‌ development ⁣of its armed forces,⁣ Lithuania can ensure its security and stability in the face of an increasingly⁤ uncertain regional security​ environment.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Strengthening Lithuania’s Defense: The Crucial Role of the Army Reserve and Military Commandants”**:

Strengthening Lithuania’s Defense: The Crucial Role of the Army Reserve and Military Commandants

In recent years, Lithuania has been paying special attention to its defense, given the deteriorating security situation in the region and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. As part of this effort, the country is focusing on modernizing and strengthening its army, with a particular emphasis on its reserve forces. The Lithuanian Armed Forces consist of 15,000 active duty personnel, supported by 100,000 reserve forces [[1]]. In addition, Germany has agreed to station 4,800 military and 200 civilian personnel in Lithuania as part of a plan to strengthen the country’s defense [[2]].

The importance of the army reserve was highlighted by A. Anušauskas, the Minister of National Defense, during a conference held in Kaunas. According to the minister, it is essential not only to increase the combat power of the army but also to ensure its ability to switch to a wartime structure quickly with the help of the reserve. This would enable the army to respond rapidly to any threats [[3]].

The Lithuanian army is currently in a development stage, with a focus on increasing its combat power and supply needs. The government is working to deliver qualitative momentum in areas such as provisioning, infrastructure, and staffing. As funding increases, the army is expected to become more effective in responding to threats [[3]].

The army reserve plays a critical role in Lithuania’s defense strategy. The country aims to have 36,000 active reserve personnel by 2025, with a prepared reserve of around 120,000 citizens who have military readiness and have completed active military service [[3]]. The reserve forces are essential for ensuring the country’s combat power and ability to respond quickly to threats.

Another key aspect of Lithuania’s defense strategy is the role of military commandants. In the event of a state of war, commandants are expected to become a bridge connecting the country’s armed forces and citizens who can defend the state with a weapon. This would include reserve soldiers, civil organizations, and other persons who have and are able to use firearms [[3]].

The Lithuanian army is working to strengthen its network of military commanders, which would support the armed forces, coordinate civil sector support actions for defense, and facilitate dialogue between civil authorities and the military. This would enable the country to deter enemies and defend its national interests more effectively [[3]].

Lithuania is taking significant steps to strengthen its defense, with a focus on modernizing its army and increasing its combat power. The army reserve plays a vital role in this strategy, and the country is working to increase the number of well-trained conscripts and improve its preparedness. The role of military commandants is also crucial, as they would connect the country’s armed forces and citizens who can defend the state in the event of a war. By strengthening its defense, Lithuania is working to ensure its national security and protect its citizens from external threats.


[1] Lithuania – NATO’s Relations with Lithuania

[2] Work begins on Germany’s 5,000-strong military base in Lithuania

[3] Lithuanian army



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