Minister Norma Piña Stands Firm Against President AMLO’s Judicial Reform Initiatives

Minister Norma Piña Stands Firm Against President AMLO’s Judicial Reform Initiatives

MEXICO CITY.- Norma Lucia Pineapple Hernandezpresident of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), once again challenged President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to debate the reform of the judicial branch.

In X, the minister expressed her interest in “dialogue face to face” with the president. She had already published the same phrase on July 24.

The judicial reform has already been approved in the Chamber of Deputies and will be voted on in the Senate next week, while judicial workers are protesting against it.

Norma Piña at the protests for judicial reform

Yesterday, Norma Piña made a surprise visit to the camp of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) workers who are permanently on strike at the Chamber of Deputies in San Lázaro.

For a few minutes and accompanied by some of her closest collaborators, such as the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Court, Natalia Reyes Heroles, she showed her support for the protest carried out by the workers of the judicial bodies and also chanted their slogans against judicial reform.

The president of the PJF and the Federal Judicial Council arrived at 6 p.m. and walked from Emiliano Zapata Street to the main door of the Chamber of Deputies to show her support for the workers who had been protesting since last Tuesday.

Read. Judicial reform: this is “Alito” Moreno’s Plan B in case there are not enough senators

Opponents of the judicial reform, which is awaiting discussion in the Senate, greeted Minister Piña Hernández with applause and slogans of support, who also chanted: the judiciary will not fall, it will not fall!

Norma Piña’s consultation on the reform

On the other hand, last Thursday Norma Piña initiated two consultations to find out if she is authorized as president of the Supreme Court to stop the approval of the judicial reform.

The matter stems from a request filed this week by the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Federal Judicial Branch (Jufed), which considers that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s bill is unconstitutional and violates the principle of judicial independence.

Read. What does AMLO’s judicial reform approved by the deputies consist of?

The Jufed asked Piña to halt the legislative process as a precautionary measure until the Court rules on the constitutionality of the initiative and that the ministers of the Court “exercise all necessary actions to preserve the separation of powers.”

Piña, however, is not sure whether she can suspend the legislative process of the reform. The two files of the consultation were referred to Lenia Batres, the last minister to be appointed by López Obrador and who has spoken out in favor of the president’s judicial reform.

Lenia Batres on judicial reform

Batres will be the one to draft a project on whether the precautionary measures requested by Jufed are admissible or not, which will then be discussed by the other ministers.

Normally, the Court rules on the constitutionality of a law after it is approved and not during the process for its discussion and approval.

#Minister #Norma #Piña #challenges #AMLO #reform #judicial #branch
2024-09-15 11:04:12

What is the purpose​ of the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize,⁣ but the provided HTML code does not​ seem to be related to the HTML ‍

element. The article appears to be about‌ Norma Lucia Pineapple Hernandez,⁢ the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) in Mexico, and her stance on judicial reform.

If⁣ you would like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic​ of the

element in‍ HTML. Here it is:


Element in HTML: A ‌Comprehensive ‌Guide

The ​

element is a ‌fundamental building block of HTML,‌ used to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. It is a generic ⁤container⁢ element that can be used to wrap a section of content, create a layout, ‌or⁤ provide a hook for CSS ‌styling.

What is the



element is a block-level element that represents a generic ⁢container. It is used to group elements together, ⁤making‌ it easier to apply styles, manipulate layout, and add semantic meaning to a web ‍page. The

element is often ‍used⁣ in conjunction with CSS to create visually appealing layouts, responsive designs, and interactive user interfaces.

When to Use the ‌



element is versatile and can be used in⁣ a variety of situations, including:

Grouping elements: ⁣Use the

element to group elements together, making it easier to apply styles, manipulate layout, and add semantic meaning to a web page.

Creating layouts: Use the

element to create complex layouts, such as grids, columns, and responsive designs.

Adding semantic meaning: Use the

element to add semantic meaning to a web page, making it easier⁢ for search engines and screen readers ⁤to understand the structure ​and content of the page.

Best ⁢Practices for Using the‌


Here are some best practices to keep in mind ⁣when using​ the


Use the

element sparingly: Avoid using the

⁣element excessively, as it can lead to semantic-less markup and make it harder ‌to maintain and update the code.

Use meaningful IDs and classes: Use meaningful IDs and classes to⁢ identify the purpose and content of the

element,‌ making it easier‍ to style‌ and manipulate the element.

Use the

element for layout purposes only: Avoid ⁤using ⁢the

element for semantic purposes, as it can lead‍ to confusion and misunderstandings.

Common Use ‌Cases for the​

⁤ Element

Here are some common use cases for ‍the


Hero sections: Use​ the

element to create a hero section on a web page, featuring ⁤a background‌ image, headline, and ⁢call-to-action.

Footer sections: Use the

element ⁣to create a footer section on a web ​page, featuring copyright information, social media links, and contact details.

* Sidebar sections: Use the

element to create a sidebar section ‍on⁣ a web page, featuring navigation links, advertisements, and related content.



element is a powerful and versatile element in HTML, used to group elements together, create layouts,‌ and add semantic meaning to ⁣a web page. By following best practices and using the

element thoughtfully, you ​can create visually appealing, ⁤responsive, and accessible web‍ pages that engage users and improve conversions.

What are the key responsibilities of Norma Lucia Pineapple Hernandez as the president of the SCJN in Mexico?

I apologize, but the provided text appears to be a news article about Norma Lucia Pineapple Hernandez, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) in Mexico, and her stance on judicial reform. It does not seem to be related to the HTML


If you would like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML

element. Here is an example:

What is the

Element in HTML?


element is a generic container element in HTML that is used to group other elements together. It is often used to apply styles, layout, or other attributes to a group of elements.

Purpose of the


The primary purpose of the

element is to provide a way to wrap a section of HTML content in a single element. This allows developers to apply CSS styles, JavaScript functionality, or other attributes to the entire section of content at once.

How to Use the


To use the

element, simply wrap the desired content in an opening

tag and a closing

tag. For example:

This is a heading

This is a paragraph of text.

Attributes of the



element supports a range of attributes, including:

id: A unique identifier for the element.

class: One or more class names to apply to the element.

style: Inline styles to apply to the element.

title: A tooltip or title text to display when the user hovers over the element.

Examples of

Element Usage


element is commonly used in a variety of ways, including:

Creating sections of content, such as headers, footers, or sidebars.

Grouping form elements together.

Creating responsive layouts using CSS grid or flexbox.

Providing a container for JavaScript functionality, such as a modal window or animation.



element is a versatile and essential part of the HTML language. By understanding how to use the

element effectively, developers can create robust, maintainable, and accessible web pages that meet the needs of users.

I hope this article meets your needs! Let me know if you have any further requests.



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