Minha Casa, Minha Vida: certification is a prerequisite for building units

2023-04-18 14:33:46

With the new Minha Casa, Minha Vida presented this year by the Federal Government, it is estimated that two million housing units will be contracted by 2026. To operate in this area, construction companies must be certified by the Quality Management System for Companies of Services and Works in Civil Construction (SiAC), of the Brazilian Habitat Quality and Productivity Program (PBQP-H).

The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) points out that Brazil has a deficit of more than 5 million homes and the new rules of the Program were designed to reduce these numbers, and the main change is the prioritization for range 1, which these are families with a gross monthly income of up to R$2,640 – however, those earning up to R$8,000 can also benefit.

The SiAC is a certification created so that the construction of popular housing is carried out with quality, preventing the use of inappropriate materials, of low resistance or performance. The PBQP-H was created in 1998 by the Government and aims to promote the safety and durability of buildings, in addition to providing greater productivity for the civil construction sector through the modernization of its processes.

To operate in this segment, the first step to be taken by the interested construction company is to access the SiAC regiment on the PBQP-H portal, identifying which requirements need to be adequate in its systems and processes, verification that can be done through external consultants or by the technical staff of the company.

“Next, a certifier that offers this service performs an initial audit and, if the Quality Management System is in line with the requirements of the SiAC, a certificate will be issued with the accreditation of the General Coordination of Accreditation (CGCRE) of the National Institute of Metrology , Quality and Technology (Inmetro)”, explains Paulo Bertolini, general director of APCER Brasil, a certifier of Portuguese origin with international operations.

“The PBQP-H SiAC benefits everyone involved. The construction company is available to be contracted by the Government, which, in turn, will already know the quality of the service it is contracting, resulting in lasting housing for the Brazilian population that is in a situation of social fragility”, completes Bertolini.


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