Mingob creates instance to protect human rights defenders and vulnerable groups

He Ministry of the Interior published this August 29 in the Central American Diary Agreement 214 – 2024, which creates the Instance for the Analysis of Attacks against the Right of Individuals, Organizations, Communities and Authorities of Indigenous Peoples to Defend Human Rights.

According to the agreement, the function of the body will be Analyze the patterns of attacks against the right to defend human rights of people, organizations, communities and authorities of indigenous peoples, through a scientific methodology.

The event will include the participation of State institutions, human rights organizations from different sectors, indigenous peoples and journalists.

It is also indicated that recommendations will be proposed for Research and protection of indigenous peoples, organizations, communities and authorities.

He details that the members of the instance will be the head of the Mingofirst and third deputy minister, head of the General Directorate of Civil Intelligence, head of General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and director of the National Civil Police.

As guests, the participation of the director of the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rightsrepresentatives of indigenous peoples, sectors that defend human rights, international cooperation, Human Rights Ombudsmanrepresentative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The main functions of the instance will be the preparation of case analyses to determine Existence of patterns of attacks against the right to defend human rightsas well as recommendations for investigating them.

Also recommend authorities technical criteria to determine the risk to the exercise of the right to defend human rights and analyze compliance with prevention and protection measures.

In addition, evaluate progress in compliance with instance functions and keep a record of reports, analyses and agreements.

It is also established that the instance will have working tables permanent and extraordinary and that members, guests and team members may not disclose information provided regarding cases of aggression.

A regulation will have to be drawn up to govern its performance, general principles of work methodology and criteria for establishing working groups.

It will not be necessary to assign funds at the instance.

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