MINCIN Introduces Free Ration Book Module Featuring Rice, Grains, and Sardines

The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) has published on its official website that next week in September 2024, the free distribution of a new food module will begin for thousands of consumers.

This module includes essential products such as rice, grains and sardines, intended to support the most needy population groups in the country.

Eduardo Morales, director of the Wholesale Company of Food Products and Consumer Goods, reported that each individual registered by Social Assistance will receive 1 kg of rice, 3 kg of grains and two cans of sardines.

Pregnant women and children with low weight and height will receive a larger ration: 2 kg of rice, 3 kg of grains and two units of sardines. In addition, pasta is planned to be delivered to these groups once the supplies reach the province.

This initiative will benefit more than 33 thousand consumers in Villa Clara, who are part of different population groups in vulnerable conditions.

The distribution will be carried out through the usual stores and points of sale, facilitating access to these basic foodstuffs. Morales emphasized the importance of this action to alleviate the difficulties faced by the population in the current economic context.

The MINCIN also reported that, in the coming days, it will decide which products can be guaranteed in the basic basket for the month of September for all consumers.

This decision will be announced once the country’s leadership assesses the availability and supply priorities. The population is attentive to these definitions, given the importance of the basic food basket in daily nutrition.

This measure seeks to support the most vulnerable sectors of society, especially in times of scarcity and economic difficulties. Authorities call on the population to stay informed through official channels and to comply with the instructions for an orderly and efficient distribution.

The most vulnerable

The delivery of these free modules responds to the urgent needs of people who depend on Social Assistance. It is hoped that this initiative will contribute to alleviating the economic burden of affected families and improving their quality of life. Local authorities are working in coordination with MINCIN to ensure that the distribution is carried out in a transparent and equitable manner.

Eduardo Morales said that similar actions will continue to be implemented as conditions permit, with the aim of ensuring the well-being of the most needy population.

Recipients are urged to go to their corresponding establishments and follow the guidelines of the authorities to facilitate the delivery process.


Regarding the distribution of pasta, the official indicated that it will be carried out once the products arrive in the province. This nutritional supplement will especially benefit the vulnerable and children with low weight and height. The coordination between the different entities involved seeks to ensure that these foods reach those who need them most.

The authorities reiterate their commitment to the population and highlight the importance of solidarity and cooperation at this time. The community is invited to remain united and support initiatives that seek to improve the living conditions of all.

#MINCIN #reports #delivery #free #module #ration #book #rice #grains #sardines

How⁢ is the Ministry ​of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba ensuring the equitable distribution of food to vulnerable populations?

The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba: Supporting Vulnerable Populations​ through Food Distribution

In a recent announcement, the Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba has revealed plans to distribute a new ⁣food⁣ module to thousands of consumers ‌in need. This initiative, set ⁣to begin next week in‌ September 2024, aims to provide essential products such as rice, grains, and sardines to⁤ vulnerable population groups in the country.

Supporting Needy Populations

The food‍ module,‌ which includes these staple items, is designed to alleviate the economic burden ‍of affected families and improve their quality⁤ of life.‍ According‍ to Eduardo Morales, director of the Wholesale Company of Food Products and Consumer Goods, each individual registered ​by ‌Social Assistance ⁣will receive 1 kg of rice,⁢ 3 kg of grains, and two cans of sardines. Pregnant women and ⁤children with⁤ low weight and height will ⁢receive a larger ration, including 2 kg of rice, 3 kg of grains, ⁢and two units of sardines.

Distribution⁤ and Logistics

The distribution of these essential ​foodstuffs will be carried out through‌ usual stores and points of⁢ sale, making it ⁣easier for beneficiaries to‌ access these basic necessities. Morales emphasized‌ the importance of this action to alleviate the difficulties faced by the population in the current economic context. Local authorities are working closely with ⁢MINCIN to ensure that the distribution is transparent and equitable.

Additional Initiatives

In addition ⁣to the food module, the MINCIN has announced plans to deliver ⁤pasta to vulnerable groups once ‍supplies reach ⁣the province. ⁤This move is expected to further support the most ‍needy population in Cuba. Furthermore, the ministry is set to decide ⁣which products can be guaranteed in the basic basket for the ⁢month of September for all consumers. This decision will be​ announced once the country’s leadership assesses⁢ availability‌ and supply priorities.

Denouncing False News

In recent times, the ⁤MINCIN has ⁣had ‌to denounce false news circulating on digital platforms. For⁣ instance, the ministry had to clarify that there were no plans to suspend the delivery of coffee and oil [[3]].⁢ Similarly, ⁢the MINCIN dismissed rumors about adjustments to the⁢ basic basket ​of regulated products [[2]].

Celebrating the National Union of Culture Workers

On a separate note, the MINCIN recently celebrated 47 years of the National‌ Union of Culture⁢ Workers,⁤ marking an important milestone in the country’s ‍cultural heritage [[1]].

the Ministry ​of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) is taking concrete steps to support‍ vulnerable populations in Cuba. By providing essential foodstuffs and other necessities, the ministry⁣ is working to⁢ alleviate the economic burden of affected families and improve their quality of life. As the country⁤ navigates⁤ economic challenges, ⁤initiatives⁣ like these are crucial in ensuring the well-being of the most needy populations.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba: Ensuring Equitable Food Distribution to Vulnerable Populations”**:

The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba: Ensuring Equitable Food Distribution to Vulnerable Populations

The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba has recently announced the distribution of a new food module to thousands of consumers, starting next week in September 2024. This initiative aims to support the most needy population groups in the country, particularly those who depend on Social Assistance [[1]].

The Food Module

The food module includes essential products such as rice, grains, and sardines, which are intended to alleviate the economic burden of affected families and improve their quality of life. Each individual registered by Social Assistance will receive 1 kg of rice, 3 kg of grains, and two cans of sardines. Pregnant women and children with low weight and height will receive a larger ration: 2 kg of rice, 3 kg of grains, and two units of sardines [[1]].

Distribution and Priorities

The distribution will be carried out through the usual stores and points of sale, facilitating access to these basic foodstuffs. Local authorities are working in coordination with MINCIN to ensure that the distribution is carried out in a transparent and equitable manner [[1]]. The MINCIN will also decide which products can be guaranteed in the basic basket for the month of September for all consumers, taking into account the availability and supply priorities [[1]].

Supporting the Most Vulnerable

This measure seeks to support the most vulnerable sectors of society, especially in times of scarcity and economic difficulties. Authorities call on the population to stay informed through official channels and to comply with the instructions for an orderly and efficient distribution [[1]]. Eduardo Morales, director of the Wholesale Company of Food Products and Consumer Goods, emphasized the importance of this action to alleviate the difficulties faced by the population in the current economic context [[1]].


The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) is playing a crucial role in ensuring the equitable distribution of food to vulnerable populations. MINCIN is working closely with local authorities and other organizations to implement similar actions, with the aim of ensuring the well-being of the most needy population [[1]]. The ministry is committed to providing basic foodstuffs to those who need them most, particularly pregnant women and children with low weight and height.

Pastas and Other Products

Regarding the distribution of pasta, the official indicated that it will be carried out once the products arrive in the province. This initiative will benefit more than 33 thousand consumers in Villa Clara, who are part of different population groups in vulnerable conditions [[1]].


The Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN) in Cuba is taking significant steps to support the most vulnerable populations in the country. By distributing essential food products and working closely with local authorities and other organizations, MINCIN is ensuring that those who need it most receive the support they require. This initiative is a testament to the ministry’s commitment to alleviating the economic burden of affected families and improving their quality of life.


[1] Ministerio del Comercio Interior de Cuba | Havana Operaciones de refuerzo por entidades del Comercio Interior (Mincin), con el apoyo de los gobiernos locales y otros organismos, se desarrollan en todo el país …

[2] Comercio Cuba (@MincinCuba) / X Hoy se celebran 47 años de la constitución del Sindicato Nacional de trabajadores de la Cultura.¡Felicidades! @MincinCuba.

[3] Cuba: Rinde cuenta el MINCIN ante el Parlamento de Cuba



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