Min. Digital Governance: What does the bill provide for the integration of the NIS2 Directive into national law 2024-08-29 07:51:08

This is a necessary development given the increased sophistication of cyber threats, the serious issues they pose to the operation of critical infrastructure and the disruption of critical services.

The cost of cybercrime is constantly increasing, globally exceeding 10 trillion for 2023, while also individual rights are faced with new and complex threats in cyberspace.

The bill aims to create a secure and competitive digital environment, which upgrades the country’s overall resilience against cyber threats. It also seeks to strengthen the trust of citizens and businesses in digital services, while particular emphasis is placed on the exchange of information and communication between Organizations and National Authorities, as well as on trans-European cooperation.

The NIS2 Directive concerns:

• All medium-sized companies (employing from 50 to 250 employees and having a turnover of up to 250 million euros) or large companies active in the fields of Energy, Transport, Health, cloud services and data centers, telecommunications, production and food distribution, production of chemical products, pharmaceutical products, sewage and waste management, courier companies

• Regardless of their size to providers of public electronic communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services, trust service providers, top-level domain name registries, and domain name system service providers

• The Central Government, the Regions and Municipalities

With the proposed provisions:

• The National Cyber ​​Security Authority (NCA) is designated as a single competent authority and as a competent response team

• Cooperation between the public and private sectors is strengthened

• The national cyber security strategic planning is strengthened

• A framework is defined for the coordinated notification of vulnerabilities

It is worth noting that specific sanctions and administrative fines are foreseen in case of violation of requirements regarding risk management measures or non-compliance with incident reporting obligations.

The implementation of NIS2 will increase the demand for cybersecurity services, products and experts. For this purpose, EAK will prepare relevant training programs, providing the possibility of certification, in cooperation with relevant bodies and thus contributing to the creation of a domestic cyber security ecosystem.

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