Millionaire farewell bonus for Mexico City deputies

Los deputies of Mexico Citywhose work concludes on August 31, a millionaire “farewell bonus” which will be distributed in eight payments of $312,500 for each legislator, according to information from “Reforma.”

The capital media adds that the legislators will give themselves that compensation after three years “of Low productivity, short sessions, lack of agreements and few opinions.”

During the Discussion of the Economic PackageLast December, the deputies included a transitional article to guarantee resources for the farewell.

“Farewell bonus” of 2.5 million for each deputy

“At the end of the first quarter, an evaluation of the progress in revenue collection and estimates will be made, in accordance with the City’s economic indicators, and all budgetary resources will be provided for such purposes,” details the 2024 expenditure budget.

The resources of the “farewell bonus”as they anticipated, began to arrive after the first quarter, in eight deliveries that in total will add up to 2 million 500 thousand pesos for each legislator.

“That’s what they tell us. I think there are ‘VIPs’ (privileged). I believe that there are even those who have more,” one of the sources told the newspaper Reforma.

Where did the money for the “farewell bonus” come from?

He adds that the money did not go through Congress but came directly “from the central government” and The criteria for allocating the amount is unknownwhich generated a conflict with the deputy Carlos Fernández Tinoco, of the Citizen Parliamentary Association.

For this reason, together with former Morena ally and now PAN member Andrea Vicenteño, she blocked the administrative offices of the CDMX Congress.

#Millionaire #farewell #bonus #Mexico #City #deputies
2024-07-28 01:14:12



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