Milley Presents the National Budget in a Dynamic Live Broadcast

2024-09-14 04:00:22

Under the Financial Management Act, the executive branch will submit the 2025 budget to Congress tomorrow, Sunday.

But it will be an unprecedented event, since the person responsible for presenting it will be President Javier Milley himself, who, in his capacity as an economist, will lay out the path to “zero deficit“.

The first idea was to be released on the morning of Monday the 16th, but the government believes that, apart from the fact that the market is not yet open, this option later on Sunday will have a greater media impact. The group confirmed that invitations have been sent to all representatives and senators, but it will not take the form of a legislative session as originally considered.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Milley was accompanied on the trip by Martín Menem and Victoria Villaruel, as well as the two chairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate Budget and Finance Committee, José Luis Espelt and Esequiel A. Tosh.

National cabinet ministers will also be present, including in principle Economy Minister Luis “Toto” Caputo. Parliamentary convention and convention puts responsibility for next year’s budget guidance in the hands of the economy minister, but Milley decided to take it upon himself to defend himself in this case.

It has not yet been determined whether Caputo will attend the committee meeting and provide details about the text, although the opposition is already expected to plan to quote him. Milley’s speech proved to be uninterrupted or questionable, certainly leaving many questions to discuss once the committee begins debate.

Caputo’s last visit to Congress was in 2018, to the Debt Chamber of both houses, where hearings ended in scandal over his involvement with then-Deputy Representative Gabriela Cerruti. There are questions over whether Totto will represent Congress.

The president of the Fatherland Alliance, José Mayance, predicted yesterday that “we will not go, nor will our group go, we think it is inappropriate”, while as far as representatives are concerned, only members of the House of Representatives Committee will be present. Members of the Federal Assembly will apply the same standards. When it comes to activism, they’ve anticipated that attendance won’t be perfect either.

#Milley #introduces #Budget #podium #national #television

– What are the implications of President Javier Milley ​presenting​ the 2025 budget instead​ of the Economy ​Minister?

Unprecedented Move: President ⁣Javier Milley to Present 2025 Budget to‌ Congress

In a surprise move, President Javier‍ Milley​ will personally present the 2025 budget to Congress ‍tomorrow, Sunday, under the Financial Management Act. This unprecedented event marks a departure from convention, as the responsibility ​of presenting the budget ‍typically falls on⁣ the Economy Minister, ‌Luis “Toto” Caputo. However, Milley, an economist himself, has taken it upon himself ⁢to lay out the path to “zero deficit”.

Why the Unconventional Timing?

Initially planned for Monday morning, the presentation was​ rescheduled‌ to Sunday to maximize‌ media impact. The government believes that‍ releasing the budget on ​a Sunday will generate more buzz, as the ​market will not be open on Monday. ⁣Invitations have been sent to ‌all representatives and senators, but the event will not take the form of a legislative session as initially considered.

Who Will Accompany the President?

President Milley will be accompanied by a high-powered delegation, including Martín Menem,⁤ Victoria Villaruel, and the chairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate Budget and Finance Committee, José Luis Espelt and Esequiel A. Tosh. National cabinet ​ministers, including Economy Minister Luis “Toto” Caputo, will also be present.

A Break from‍ Tradition

Traditionally, the Economy Minister is responsible for guiding the budget for the upcoming year. However, President ​Milley has taken an unconventional approach, ‍choosing to present ‍the budget himself. This ⁢move has sparked curiosity and raised questions ⁢about ⁤the motivation behind it. Will⁣ Caputo attend the‌ committee meeting and‍ provide details about⁤ the‍ text? The opposition is⁣ already planning to summon him for questioning.

A Refreshing Change?

President Milley’s⁤ decision‍ to present the ⁣budget himself‍ may be seen ⁤as a refreshing change from‌ the traditional⁢ protocol. As an economist, he is well-equipped to explain the intricacies of the budget and provide a clear ⁣vision for the country’s financial future. However, critics may argue that this move undermines the authority of the Economy⁣ Minister and blurs the lines of responsibility.

The Road to Zero Deficit

President​ Milley’s commitment to achieving “zero ⁤deficit”‍ is a bold move that has garnered significant attention. The path to achieving this goal will require careful planning, ​strategic policymaking, and cooperation from all stakeholders. As the President presents the 2025 budget,‌ all eyes will be on him to‍ deliver a convincing and sustainable ‌plan for the country’s economic future.


The unprecedented move by President Javier Milley to present ‍the 2025 budget to⁢ Congress has sparked excitement⁤ and curiosity. As the country waits with bated breath to hear ⁢the President’s plan for achieving “zero deficit”, one thing is clear – this Sunday’s event will be a defining moment in the country’s economic history.‍ Will President Milley’s unconventional approach pay off, or will it raise more questions than answers? Only time will tell.

Meta Description: President Javier Milley will​ present the ‍2025 ‌budget to Congress on Sunday, a move that breaks from tradition⁣ and raises questions about his commitment to achieving “zero deficit”.

Keywords: President Javier Milley, 2025 budget,‌ Congress, Financial Management Act, zero deficit, Economy Minister Luis “Toto” Caputo, ⁤Martín Menem, Victoria Villaruel, José Luis Espelt, Esequiel A. Tosh.

By key economic advisors and members of his administration, including the Finance Secretary and the Head of the Central Bank, to lend credibility and support to his budget proposals.

Unprecedented Move: President Javier Milley to Present 2025 Budget to Congress

In a surprising move, President Javier Milley will personally present the 2025 budget to Congress on Sunday, under the Financial Management Act. This unprecedented event marks a departure from convention, as the responsibility of presenting the budget typically falls on the Economy Minister, Luis “Toto” Caputo. However, Milley, an economist himself, has taken it upon himself to lay out the path to “zero deficit”.

Why the Unconventional Timing?

Initially planned for Monday morning, the presentation was rescheduled to Sunday to maximize media impact. The government believes that releasing the budget on a Sunday will generate more buzz, as the market will not be open on Monday. Invitations have been sent to all representatives and senators, but the event will not take the form of a legislative session as initially considered.

Who Will Accompany the President?

President Milley will be accompanied



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