“Milk vs Water: The Ultimate Drink for Hydration and Nutrition”

2023-05-09 21:00:06

There has always been a belief that water is the best drink to hydrate the body. However, a new study confirmed that there is a lot more.

According to St. Andrews Medical School professor Ronald Maughan, through research he led, milk hydrates water much better.

The reason why this drink would achieve a better action in the body is because “it contains lactose sugar, some proteins and some fats, all of which help to delay the emptying of liquid from the stomach and maintain hydration for a longer period of time.” long”, reads verbatim in CNNmedium that referenced this study.

In addition to this, milk contains more sodium than water, a component that acts like a sponge and retains water from the body, causing it to produce less urine.

More benefits of milk

Milk provides essential nutrients and is an important source of dietary energy, high-quality protein and fat, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Likewise, milk can contribute considerably to the necessary intake of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

“Milk provides between 10% and 15% of the recommended daily intake of B vitamins, which are involved in several metabolic pathways such as hormone synthesis and obtaining energy from nutrients. The most notable are B12 and riboflavin ”, specifies the health portal Take care Plus.

It should be noted that, despite its nutritional components, there are cases in which The consumption of cow’s milk is contraindicated, as in patients with lactose intolerance, milk allergy, and galactosemia. According to Medline Plus, This is a condition in which the body cannot properly metabolize the simple sugar galactose, a component of lactose found in milk.

It has also been proven that milk and dairy products in general, being consumed every day, are good for the heart.

digital platform Phenyl reviewed a study that stated: “Consuming three dairy products a day—compared to consuming less than 0.5 servings per day—is associated with a 14% to 23% reduction in cardiovascular disease and mortality. This result has been achieved with the follow-up of more than 136,000 people in 21 countries for nine years”.

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Foods that should not be mixed with milk

The portal better with health He announced some foods that should not be combined with this drink, nor with dairy products:

Spinach and cheese: These vegetables have substances called oxalates, which prevent the body from absorbing calcium well. However, it is recommended to combine them with foods that have a significant amount of vitamin D, since this nutrient has been shown to enhance the absorption of the mineral and increase bone density.

Dairy and lentils: First of all, the iron contained in lentils can be affected, because the calcium contained in dairy products decreases its bioavailability by competing for its intestinal absorption.

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