Milk can increase symptoms and could increase risk of disease – Heilpraxis

Dairy products can increase MS symptoms

The symptoms at multiple sclerosis (MS) can be very different. It is known that in many of those affected, the symptoms are aggravated by heat, fever or exertion. A new study now shows that too milk make the symptoms worse can. Consumption may also increase the risk of disease.

People with MS often complain of increased symptoms following consuming dairy products. Researchers have now found a possible reason for this. According to this, a certain protein in cow’s milk can trigger inflammation that targets the “insulating layer” around the nerve cells.

  • Researchers have found a possible reason why MS sufferers often have more severe symptoms following consuming dairy products.
  • A protein in cow’s milk can trigger inflammation that targets the “insulating layer” around nerve cells.
  • Certain groups of sufferers are therefore recommended to avoid dairy products.
  • Milk consumption may also increase the risk of developing MS.

Worsening following milk consumption

According to one, the study by researchers from the Universities of Bonn and Erlangen-Nuremberg was triggered by Message Reports from MS patients:

“We keep hearing from those affected that they feel worse if they eat milk, quark or yoghurt,” explains Stefanie Kürten from the Institute of Anatomy at the University Hospital in Bonn. “We are interested in the cause of this connection.”

According to the information, the professor of neuroanatomy is a proven expert on multiple sclerosis. She started the study in 2018 at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and moved to Bonn a year and a half ago, where she continued the work together with her working group.

“We injected mice with various proteins from cow’s milk,” explains the researcher. “So we wanted to find out if there is a component to which they react with symptoms of illness.”

Insulating layer is damaged

In fact, the scientists found what they were looking for: when they gave the animals casein, an ingredient in cow’s milk, together with an effect enhancer, the mice then developed neurological disorders.

The electron microscope showed that the insulating layer around the nerve fibers, the myelin, was damaged in the animals. This fat-like substance prevents short circuits and also significantly accelerates the transmission of stimuli.

The study results were recently published in the journal PNAS.

Immune system destroys the myelin sheath

In MS, the body’s immune system destroys the myelin sheath. The consequences range from abnormal sensations and vision problems to movement disorders. In extreme cases, those affected even end up in a wheelchair.

The insulating shell was also massively perforated in the mice – apparently triggered by the administration of casein. “We suspected that the reason was a misguided immune reaction, similar to that in MS patients,” says Rittika Chunder, who is doing her habilitation in Prof. Kürten’s working group.

“The body’s own defense actually attacks the casein, but also destroys proteins that are involved in the formation of the myelin.”

As explained in the communication, such cross-reactivity can occur when two molecules are very similar, at least in part. The immune system then confuses them with one another, so to speak.

“We compared the casein to different molecules that are important for the production of myelin,” says Chunder. “In doing so, we came across a protein called MAG. It looks very similar to casein in some areas – so much so that in the test animals, the antibodies once morest casein were also active once morest MAG.”

In the casein-treated animals, the body’s own defenses are also directed once morest MAG, which destabilizes the myelin. But how do the results translate to people with MS?

To answer this question, the researchers added casein antibodies from mice to human brain tissue. In fact, they accumulated there on the cells that are responsible for myelin production in the brain.

Only a proportion of MS sufferers are affected

Certain white blood cells, the so-called B cells, are responsible for the production of antibodies. According to the study, the B cells in the blood of MS patients respond particularly strongly to casein.

Those affected probably developed an allergy to casein at some point through the consumption of milk. As soon as they now consume fresh milk products, the immune system therefore produces large numbers of casein antibodies. These then also damage the myelin sheath around the nerve fibers due to cross-reactivity with MAG.

However, this only affects MS sufferers who are allergic to cow’s milk casein. “We are currently developing a self-test that people can use to check whether they have the appropriate antibodies,” explains Kürten. “At least this subgroup should refrain from consuming milk, yoghurt or quark.”

Disturbing connection

However, cow’s milk may also increase the risk of developing MS in healthy people. Because casein can also trigger allergies in them – which is probably not even that rare. Once such an immune response is established, cross-reactivity with the myelin can theoretically occur.

However, this does not mean that hypersensitivity to casein will inevitably lead to multiple sclerosis, emphasizes the professor. There are likely to be other risk factors involved.

However, this connection is still worrying, says Kürten: “According to studies, the MS numbers are increased in population groups in which a lot of cow’s milk is consumed.” (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn: Milk can increase MS symptoms, (accessed: 03/01/2022), University of Bonn
  • Rittika Chunder et al.: Antibody cross-reactivity between casein and myelin-associated glycoprotein results in central nervous system demyelination with implications for the immunopathology of multiple sclerosis; in: PNAS, (Abruf: 01.03.2022)

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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