Military expert: what the images of the attack on the Russian marines say

Earlier it was reported that on Sunday Ukrainians hit Russian marines at awards concert.

“It’s possible that I haven’t seen all the photos, but the ones that have been made public don’t show any major signs of damage inside the building. The chairs in the hall are completely healthy. If 100 people had died, they should just be chopped into pieces and small debris, and there would be pools of blood and stains all around. There are also no signs of burning, which would be consistent with the damage to the building seen in the photos. Of course, I can be wrong, if any other evidence is made public, I will gladly change my opinion,” said the military expert.

Several dozen Russians are believed to have died in the Ukrainian attack.

VIDEO: Ukrainians hit Russian marines during awards concert

According to E. Papečkis, another difficult day for both sides followed on the war front. The Ukrainians again resolutely counterattacked, the Russians both attacked and were forced to defend. “In one word, the battles are as intense as ever, although the worsening weather is already limiting the ability to move in places. The most difficult situation remains near Avdijivka. The aggressor is using 500 kg cluster bombs here in abundance,” the military expert observed.

According to him, the Russians fired drones at the rear of Ukraine, and the Ukrainians responded with drone strikes on targets in Russia and the occupied territories. Russian forces said they detected and destroyed 4 Ukrainian drones in the Black Sea.

“So far, Russia is managing to avoid more painful blows in the occupied Crimea, but the Ukrainians are trying to find a hole in the aggressor’s defense and, sooner or later, they will,” he said.

V. Putin, while remotely participating in the G-20 meeting, repeated the nonsense heard many times. According to him, Russia is called an aggressor, but Ukraine refuses to negotiate. “Aggression is not a negotiation. Russia attacked Ukraine, and this is aggression, and unwillingness to negotiate with an aggressor who has occupied part of the country is a defense,” said E. Papečkys.

#Military #expert #images #attack #Russian #marines
2024-09-04 07:43:16



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