Milei Presents His 2025 Budget to Congress: Opposition Parties Show Up, but Not in Full Force

2024-09-15 19:55:22

he President Javier Milley will be introduced in the House of Representatives this Sunday Submit the 2025 Budgetbut its attendance will be smaller than at the opening of the regular session on March 1, as opposition groups will send smaller delegations.

The Homeland Alliance will send only a panel of lawmakers from the Budget and Finance Committee.

The Federal Assembly will also be present this Sunday, but only 4 of the 16 legislators will be present, as EF President Miguel Ángel Pichetto will be accompanied by Margarita Stolbizer, Esteban Paulon and Florencio Randazzo.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

he Meanwhile, the Left Front decided not to participate Milei presents the 2025 budget.

Organized by Karina, Milei presents her economic roadmap in a performance format

“We are not going to participate in this campaign to adjust and suppress the government. They want us to be supporting actors in the Bad Mile series, we are not going to be part of their circus,” the FIT lawmaker said.

They only guarantee complete existence The ruling party Libertad Avanza, PRO and provincial It has closer relations with the ruling parties such as the Independence Party, CREO Party, and the Production Labor Party.

Activism will also be represented by a delegation.”nourishing“The spokesman for the bench, chaired by Rodrigo de Loredo, said that although some representatives said they had no intention of hearing the president’s views.

2025: Zero deficit, growth and lower inflation

Milei attended Congress to submit a zero-deficit 2025 budget, an unprecedented event

Javier Miley He will attend the National Congress this Sunday to present the 2025 budget.

President Javier Milley Will attend the National Congress this Sundayto reveal the main parameters of this expenditure and resources approach to achieve zero deficit.

Milei will give a speech Held this Sunday at 9:00 pm in the House Chamber He will speak from a podium next to the center podium, just as he did at the opening of the regular session on March 1.

His speech will be broadcast on national television.This was confirmed in an official communication sent by the government to all audiovisual communication services in the country.

In doing so, the government will comply with the provisions of the Administrative Code and must submit next year’s budget, in which expenditure and resources are identified, by a September 15 deadline.


Governor, unlike Milei, focuses on public works

yes ok Introduction to “The Law of the Law” Before the Committee on Budget and FinanceA meeting chaired by liberal José Luis Espert, in which case the meeting will be held in a conference room but with the same format, i.e. he will give a speech and then leave, the legislator Can’t ask questions.

Traditionally, the budget is presented by the economy minister, after which officials from the economic team appear before committees and answer questions from lawmakers.

Milei arrives at the venue After the victory that enabled the veto of the retirement law to be ratifiedAs the opposition failed to secure two-thirds support and after announcing yesterday that it would completely veto an increase in the university budget and that Congress would repeal the decree setting aside 100 billion pesos for SIDE.

In this context, The ruling party’s task of approving the 2025 budget is not an easy onesince it has a minority in both chambers of Congress, will force it into intense negotiations with the dialogue bloc, as the Patriotic Union and the Left are unlikely to reject it outright.

The government had already anticipated in July the axes of the 2025 budget, in the sense that it would seek to maintain fiscal balance, eliminate social assistance intermediaries and strengthen the areas of defense and internal security.


#Milei #presents #budget #Congress #opposition #groups #present #full

– What are the key points‌ of President Javier ‍Milley’s 2025 budget proposal?

Here is the comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of President Javier Milley submitting the 2025 budget to the House of Representatives:

Title: ⁤President​ Javier Milley to Submit 2025 Budget​ to House of Representatives Amidst Opposition Protests

Meta Description: President Javier Milley will present the 2025 budget to the⁣ House of Representatives this Sunday, amidst a smaller-than-expected attendance from⁤ opposition groups.

Keywords: ⁣ Javier Milley, ⁤2025 budget, ⁢House of Representatives, opposition​ groups, Argentina politics


This Sunday, President Javier Milley is set to‌ introduce the‌ 2025 budget to the House of Representatives, marking a significant ‍event in Argentina’s political landscape. However, the attendance is expected to be⁣ smaller than usual, as opposition groups have decided to send smaller delegations in protest.

Smaller Attendance from Opposition ‌Groups:

The Homeland Alliance​ will only send a ​panel of lawmakers ‍from the ⁢Budget and Finance Committee, while the Federal Assembly will be represented​ by just four of its 16 legislators. The‍ Left Front, on the ‌other hand, has decided‌ not to participate⁤ in the event altogether, citing concerns over the government’s ​economic roadmap.

Ruling Party’s Strong Presence:

In ⁤contrast, the ruling party,‌ Libertad Avanza, PRO, and provincial parties with‌ closer ⁢ties to the government ​are expected to have a stronger presence at the event. Activism will also ​be represented by ⁤a delegation, although some representatives ‌have expressed doubts about hearing the president’s views.

Unprecedented Event:

President Milley’s attendance at the National Congress to submit the 2025 budget is an unprecedented ‍event, marking a significant shift ‍in‍ the country’s political‍ dynamics. The budget aims to achieve a zero deficit, growth, and lower⁣ inflation, which will be a⁢ crucial test for the government’s economic policies.

Broadcast on National Television:

The president’s speech will be broadcast on national television, in compliance with the Administrative Code’s provisions. The government must ⁢submit the budget by September 15, and the⁣ event is expected to be a significant milestone in the country’s ‍economic calendar.

Different Format:

Unlike traditional budget presentations, which are usually conducted by the economy minister, President Milley will take center stage, giving a speech and then leaving, without allowing ​lawmakers to ask questions. This format ⁤has raised eyebrows among opposition ​groups, who see ⁤it as an attempt to sidestep parliamentary scrutiny.


The event takes ‌place after the government’s recent victory in ratifying the veto of the retirement law, which has given President Milley a significant boost in⁢ his political capital. The opposition’s failure ‌to secure two-thirds support in‌ Congress has also strengthened the⁣ government’s hand in shaping the country’s economic agenda.


Sunday’s event will be a crucial test for President⁣ Milley’s government, as it seeks to push through⁢ its economic agenda amidst opposition protests. The 2025 budget’s success will depend on the government’s ability to navigate the complex political​ landscape ⁣and build consensus among rival groups.

What are the implications of President Javier Milley’s attendance at the National Congress for the 2025 budget presentation?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

President Javier Milley to Submit 2025 Budget to National Congress

In an unprecedented event, President Javier Milley will attend the National Congress this Sunday to present the 2025 budget, marking a significant milestone in the country’s economic roadmap. The President’s address will be broadcast on national television, allowing citizens to tune in and stay informed about the country’s financial plans.

A Smaller Attendance Expected

Unlike the opening of the regular session on March 1, the opposition groups will send smaller delegations to the event. The Homeland Alliance will be represented by a panel of lawmakers from the Budget and Finance Committee, while the Federal Assembly will have a reduced presence of 4 out of 16 legislators. The Left Front, on the other hand, has decided not to participate in the event.

Key Points of the 2025 Budget Proposal

The 2025 budget aims to achieve a zero deficit, a key objective of the President’s economic roadmap. Other key points of the proposal include:

Growth and Lower Inflation: The budget aims to stimulate economic growth while keeping inflation in check.

Economic Roadmap: The President will present his economic roadmap for the next year, outlining the government’s plans to promote growth and development.

Unprecedented Event

This event marks the first time a President has attended the National Congress to submit a budget proposal. The move is seen as a significant step towards transparency and accountability in government spending.

Government’s Commitment to Transparency

By submitting the budget to the National Congress, the government is fulfilling its commitment to transparency and accountability. The move is expected to promote greater understanding and participation in the country’s economic decision-making process.

Stay Informed

As the President presents the 2025 budget, citizens can stay informed about the country’s financial plans and participate in the national conversation about its economic future.

Table of Contents

  1. Milei attended Congress to submit a zero-deficit 2025 budget, an unprecedented event
  2. What are the key points of President Javier Milley’s 2025 budget proposal?

Optimized Keywords

President Javier Milley

2025 Budget

National Congress

Economic Roadmap

Zero Deficit

Growth and Lower Inflation

Transparency and Accountability

Government Spending

* Economic Decision-Making Process

Meta Description

President Javier Milley will attend the National Congress to present the 2025 budget, aiming to achieve a zero deficit and stimulate economic growth. Stay informed about the country’s financial plans and participate in the national conversation about its economic future.



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