Milei made a strong defense of Santiago Caputo, confirmed it and talked about Villarruel’s “little ham” joke


President Javier Milei delivered a strong accolade this Friday to his key advisor, Santiago Caputo, amidst criticism targeting the strategist this week from his detractors – particularly Mauricio Macri – regarding the management of funds reserved for the SIDE, which they hold him responsible for. The president stated that he will retain Caputo in his position and also mentioned that together with his sister, General Secretary Karina Milei, they form a “iron triangle.”

Furthermore, he once again defended Judge Ariel Lijo for the Supreme Court, stating that he personally submitted it – despite some attributing blame to the advisor – and also sought to soften Vice President Victoria Villarruel’s laughter when Senator Jose Mayans reminded her of the nickname she had given the libertarian leader, “little ham.”

During a challenging week for his advisor, who faced criticism from various angles, the President seized the opportunity to express his support. “Santiago Caputo, along with my sister, forms the iron triangle,” Milei stated on Radio Rivadavia, making it clear that speculation about his strategist does not compel him to make any changes, and also conveying a message in response to rumors of internal discord with his preferred consultant.

“As long as they continue to demonstrate extraordinary performance like each of them has, there is no possibility of questioning them,” he remarked regarding his sister and Caputo when asked about the possibility of the advisor being removed from the Government.

Maintaining this stance, the President affirmed that both officials are “working machines” and address “a multitude of problems” daily. “Are you bothered that Mr. Santiago Caputo has an IQ significantly higher than average and intellectually surpasses the Precambrians who linger in politics?” he questioned as a call to those who criticize the 39-year-old consultant.

He made it clear to Macri that his advisor is currently unassailable despite all the attacks. He hinted that the Pro leader has no sway over his legislators because even though he stated on X this morning that he favored the presidential veto concerning the retirement mobility law approved by the Upper House, the senators voted in favor of the opposition’s project.

If I interpret your tweet correctly, you do not command the troops. Or the troops do not understand their actions. They are oblivious to the extent of the damage they are causing,” said the libertarian, adding: “What your tweet implies is in direct opposition to what your legislators did. The Pro senators all voted for this madness.

As he had previously, the President indicated that he was unsatisfied with the former president’s explanations regarding the vote against the funds transferred by his party’s deputies to the SIDE by DNU.

The day after Villarruel laughed in Congress when the Peronist Mayans reminded her of the nickname “little ham” that she gave to the president himself, when he asserted it was a matter between her and her sister, Milei addressed the issue. “I am a liberal; I care about respect for life, liberty, and property. Did that event affect my life, my liberty, or my property? Well, then, what is the problem? If she… I find it hard to attribute credibility to something that I don’t understand— I don’t see that I have done anything wrong. It seems to me to be a joke.” The president summarized his vice president’s comments, with whom he is currently experiencing a period of significant tension and distrust, which he chose not to expose publicly.

He also refrained from attacking her when she elaborated on the disagreements she expressed regarding the list of Food for the Supreme Court, which she has already indicated her support against. “She has her opinion, and I have mine. I never intended to surround myself with a chorus of sycophants; disagreement is part of life itself,” Milei remarked, adding: “It is her belief that [Lijo] lacks the credentials; what do I know? We would have to see what Lijo remarked about her.”

He also indicated that he personally submitted the list of candidates for both the federal judge and Manuel García-Mansilla to Congress, asserting that the most controversial candidate has “experience in the Judiciary” and could facilitate the entry into the highest court of someone “who understands how justice operates” and, consequently, promote reforms for “the system to function properly.”

On a different note, Milei emphasized that it was his administration that initiated the corruption complaint regarding insurance through the Ministry of Human Capital. He asserted that if Sergio Massa had prevailed, this would not have occurred. He then delved into the situation of former president Alberto Fernandez, who is embroiled in this case as well as another involving gender violence instigated by his ex-partner Fabiola Yanez.

“He must face justice. If he has to be incarcerated, so be it,” the President stated regarding the former president, adding: “He has a corruption issue, an assault against a woman who was his wife, the physical discrepancy, the power imbalance… there are numerous aggravating factors.”

He also indicated that if Fernandez’s infidelities towards Yanez occurred within an “open relationship,” it would belong to their private lives; however, he was critical of the subsequent emergence of “extra activities” and “contracts” involving the then-president and his alleged mistresses. “I have no issues [with infidelity]; I am a liberal. But don’t squander my money; use your own. That is the issue,” he emphasized, while calling for Fernández to be held accountable for the “aberrations” he caused with his strategy in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the economic front, Milei underscored his achievements in combating inflation and, although he refrained from specifying what the August figure will be, he mentioned that the wholesaler rate stands at 8% annually, with the impact of the crawling peg of the dollar estimated to be around 5% or 6% annually. “What we are achieving is remarkable,” he remarked.

At the same time, he emphasized that activity “is starting to recover,” and that wages “have been surpassing inflation for three months.”

Confident that economic growth will be driven by employment, investment, savings, and fiscal adjustments, Milei estimated that he “returned” 15% of the GDP to the Argentine people. Meanwhile, he claimed that two runs “were prompted by bankers and politicians,” targeting Banco Macro once more.

Meanwhile, the President expressed his “concern” regarding the visit of libertarian deputies to genocide prisoners in Ezeiza prison. “That is not part of my agenda; I’m not aware of whose it is, we will need to investigate,” he stated, also mentioning that the priest Javier Olivera Ravasi who instigated the meeting and was later expelled from the Diocese of Zárate-Campana, insulted him on YouTube. “We need to examine what connections exist. I’m not sure if Victoria Villarruel had any involvement. My agenda does not include that.” He sought to distance himself from this issue, although he did not entirely dismiss his vice president.

In conclusion, Milei asserted that the Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro has his people “subdued.” “He is a dictator. It is an international disgrace, which is why I am so adamant in criticizing social democrats, the politically correct, as neutrality in times of moral crisis makes you complicit in the actions of criminals,” he concluded.


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Support for Santiago Caputo: Javier Milei’s Unwavering Commitment Amidst Criticism

The President Javier Milei recently extended a strong accolade to his main advisor, Santiago Caputo, amidst ongoing criticisms, particularly from former President Mauricio Macri, regarding the management of funds reserved for the SIDE. During a radio interview, Milei not only reaffirmed Caputo’s position but also emphasized the close collaboration with his sister, Karina Milei, which he dubbed an “iron triangle.”

Unyielding Defense of Caputo

This week has been challenging for Santiago Caputo. Amid various attacks, President Milei seized the opportunity to reaffirm his support, stating, “Santiago Caputo, together with my sister, is the iron triangle.” This assertion underscores the strong alliance within his administration, effectively quelling rumors of internal strife.

Caputo’s Abilities Highlighted

Milei praised both Caputo and Karina, declaring them “working machines” resolving significant daily challenges. He noted, “As long as they continue to show extraordinary performance… there is no chance that they will be questioned.” His statement reflects confidence in their capabilities, reinforcing Caputo’s role despite external pressures.

Political Dynamics with Mauricio Macri

In a medley of political maneuvering, Milei took direct aim at Macri, suggesting that the former president lacks control over his legislators. He stated, “If I take your tweet, you don’t manage the troops. Or the troops don’t understand what they’re doing.” This comment alludes to the contrasting actions of Macri’s senators, who voted in favor of a project opposed by their leader.

The Responses to Villarruel’s Remarks

Amidst the political theater, Vice President Victoria Villarruel laughed during remarks related to Milei’s previous nickname, “little ham,” a term coined by her. Milei, however, remained unfazed, asserting, “What is the problem? If she… it seems to me to give credibility to something that I don’t know.” This statement indicates his preference to maintain focus and respect amidst political jabs.

Judicial Appointments and Controversies

In another focal point, Milei defended his support for Judge Ariel Lijo for the Supreme Court, contesting critiques that aimed to pin responsibility on Caputo. He noted that he personally sent the judge’s brief, thus distancing Caputo from any blame.

Addressing Allegations Against Alberto Fernández

Milei didn’t shy away from discussing the former president, Alberto Fernández, who faces serious allegations, including corruption and issues surrounding gender violence initiated by his ex-partner, Fabiola Yanez. The President stated, “He must be brought to justice. If he has to go to jail, he has to go.” His commitment to accountability in governance resonates with his administration’s objectives.

Economic Progress and Inflation Control

In a positive economic outlook, Milei discussed ongoing efforts to combat inflation, citing that current wholesale rates stand at around 8% annually. He hinted that if the crawling peg of the dollar impacts the economy, it projects an annual inflation figure of approximately 5% to 6%.

Indicators of Economic Recovery

  • Activities in the economy are reportedly rebounding.
  • Wages have outpaced inflation for the past three months.
  • Estimations suggest that 15% of the GDP is being “returned” to the citizens of Argentina.

Challenges and Criticisms Surrounding Banking

Milei targeted the banking sector, mentioning two significant runs allegedly caused by bankers and politicians. He specifically called out Banco Macro as part of these criticisms. His firm stance signals an intent to address deeper rooted issues within Argentina’s financial frameworks.

Rights and Militarized Prisons

Controversy arose from a visit by libertarian deputies to Ezeiza prison, housing alleged genocide prisoners. Milei expressed concern, stating, “That is not my agenda, I don’t know who it is, we will have to investigate.” This dissociation from potential extremist actions delineates his administration’s attempts to uphold democratic principles while distancing from allegations of extremism.

Criticism of Maduro and Regional Issues

Finally, Milei voiced strong discontent with the Venezuelan ruler, Nicolas Maduro, labeling him a “dictator” and an “international disgrace.” His criticism reflects a broader ideological stance against non-liberal governance structures in Latin America.

Key Points of Milei’s Agenda

  • Commitment to transparency and the rule of law.
  • Continued support for high-performing advisors amidst dissent.
  • Focus on economic recovery through inflation control and job creation.
  • Staunch opposition to corruption at all levels of previous administrations.

Actions Moving Forward

Action Item Status Deadline
Support for Santiago Caputo Ongoing N/A
Judicial Reforms with Ariel Lijo Proposed Q2 2024
Inflation Control Measures In Progress End of Q1 2024
Investigation into Corruption Cases Ongoing N/A

Under Milei’s leadership, the roadmap suggests unwavering dedication to addressing pressing challenges while navigating through criticisms from both allies and opponents. The focus remains steadfast on economic revitalization, strengthening governance, and maintaining a robust political stance amidst the myriad dynamics of Argentine politics.


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