Milley defends pension reform veto, targets ‘fiscal degenerates’

2024-08-24 01:37:35

Amid controversy over defeat of retirement reforms approved by the Senate on Thursday but blocked by the Senate Javier Miley Almost immediately, the president reconfirmed his position on Friday: “My words are non-negotiable and I will not let the corrupt prosecutors slack off.”

The president’s speech was delivered on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Rosario Stock Exchange. He was accompanied by his partner Amalia “Uito” González, his sister Karina Milai and presidential spokesman Manuel Adoni.

“The resulting disaster of Kirchnerism was so obvious that during the Macri government they tried to correct it. It took 14 tons of stone to get the pension system back to normal. So, the question is: Kirchnerism Those who see this in the government… Working Together for Change see this… Can you tell me what did everyone do who voted to break up the pension system and ruin Argentinian lives if that wasn’t populism? ism, if this is not incitement, if this is not a liar, I want to know what we are talking about,” the president argued.


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He added: “Two months ago I said that if corrupt prosecutors wanted to destroy my economic plan, I would veto it. Yesterday, corrupt fiscal policy was voted in favor of by an overwhelming majority, suggesting 62 % of GDP taking on debt nonsense, I have no choice but to change my rhetoric and tell them.

“The first thing to consider is the lie that the congressmen and senators relied on. During the disgraceful K administration, pensions ended up falling by 30%. Since we came into power, pensions have increased by 5%. They beat inflation. Another interesting thing is the inconsistency in policy with irresponsible senators destroying young people in a demagogic manner,” he added.

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In that line, President Defending his management: “We have the best fiscal performance in Argentina’s history. Now that this works, the garbage from the political class wants to upset our fiscal balance. Because if things go well, their job is over. I It’s going to have to be financed, I’m going to have to increase inflation or fiscal pressure until it eventually destroys growth rates. “I condemn our children and grandchildren to live in miserable conditions. ”

“What I did was not good, but I would rather tell you an uncomfortable truth than a comfortable lie. For the comfortable lie, they can go to the senators who voted yesterday, and those liars will Impoverishing them and ruining the lives of their children and grandchildren, he reiterated: “I’m here to save Argentina, not to sink it. “

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