Milei and Bolsonaro Convene for Exclusive Summit in Brazil

The Argentine president, Javier Milei met behind closed doors this Sunday with former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaroin his first act during a private visit to Brazil to participate in a conference of Latin American far-right movements.

According to sources from the Argentine Government, At the meeting they discussed ways to facilitate trade between the two countries, mainly with the border state of Santa Catarina, and Brazilians took the opportunity to show their support for Milei in the liberal reforms that he is promoting in the neighboring country.

Although nothing else was revealed about the content of the meeting between Milei and Bolsonaro, since the press did not have access, some of the participants published videos of the meeting on their social networks.

The governors of the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, and Santa Catarina, Jorginho Mello, also participated in the meeting. -important allies of the far-right leader-, as well as the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, one of the sons of the former president and organizer of the meeting of right-wingers.

Also present were the Argentine President’s sister, Karina Milei, and the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri.

According to one of the videos posted by his son, Bolsonaro took advantage of the meeting to award him a symbolic medal, ironically honoring his political allies.

This is the notched “three i’s”, in allusion to the Portuguese words “imorrível, incomível and imbrochável” (immortal, inedible and an expression to refer to someone who is always strong enough for sex).

Relationship between Milei and Lula

This is Milei’s first visit to Brazil since he assumed his mandate last December, which generated Discontent within the government of progressive Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, since the Argentine president abstained from requesting a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart.

The discomfort was also due to the fact that Milei claimed scheduling problems to attend the Mercosur summit to be held on Monday in Asunciónwhere he would meet with Lula, but confirmed his participation this Sunday in Brazil in the fifth Latin American version of the Conservative Action Policy Conference (CPAC), the largest and most influential right-wing forum in the world.

The libertarian leader has not had any private meeting with Lula so far.with whom he has not even spoken on the phone.

The relations between both are nullsince Lula expressed his support during the electoral campaign for the Peronist candidate Sergio Massa, to which Milei responded by calling the Brazilian head of state “corrupt” and “communist.”

Last week, Lula said he had not yet had contact with Milei, He expected him to apologize to him and to Brazil for his statements, but the Argentine immediately responded that he would not apologize for telling the truth.

#Milei #Bolsonaro #met #Brazil #closed #doors
2024-09-11 18:54:30

**Questions related ⁢to ⁣the title⁣ “Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro: A Meeting of⁣ the Minds?”**

Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro: A Meeting of the Minds?

In a recent development, Argentine President Javier Milei met with former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro behind closed doors in Brazil. This meeting, which took place during Milei’s private visit to the country, has sparked interest and raised questions about the nature of ‍their ‌discussion. According to sources from the Argentine​ Government, the‍ two leaders‍ discussed ways to facilitate trade between Argentina and ‌Brazil, with a focus ⁤on‍ the border state of Santa Catarina [[1]].

The meeting, which was held in secrecy,⁢ also saw the participation of other ⁢important figures, including ‍the governors of the⁢ Brazilian states of⁤ Sao Paulo, Tarcísio ​de Freitas, and Santa Catarina, ⁣Jorginho Mello,⁢ who⁢ are known allies of the ‍far-right ‌leader. Additionally, the deputy⁤ Eduardo ⁤Bolsonaro, one of the sons of the ‍former president and organizer‌ of the meeting of right-wingers, was present [[1]]. Milei’s‌ sister, Karina Milei, ‌and the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, also attended‌ the ⁤meeting.

The content of ‌the meeting remains largely unknown, ‍as the press was not⁢ granted access.⁤ However, some of the participants shared videos of⁢ the meeting⁣ on their social networks, which showed Bolsonaro awarding Milei a symbolic medal, ironically honoring his political allies [[1]]. This gesture was seen as a show of support for Milei’s liberal reforms in Argentina.

This meeting has​ significant implications, ​particularly in the ⁤context of Milei’s relationship with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Milei’s decision to meet with Bolsonaro, ⁤a far-right leader, has generated discontent‌ within Lula’s progressive government [[1]]. Furthermore, Milei’s absence from⁤ the Mercosur summit, where​ he would have met with Lula, has raised questions ⁢about his priorities.

It is worth noting⁤ that Milei has not had a private meeting with Lula since assuming his mandate in December [[1]]. This lack of engagement has sparked‌ concerns about the ⁢prospects⁢ for cooperation between Argentina and Brazil under their current leaders.

Interestingly, Milei’s ‌ideology and policies have​ been ⁢compared to those of Bolsonaro, with some analysts arguing that they share similar views on economic and social issues [[3]]. Both leaders have been known for their right-wing stance and ​have garnered significant support from conservative groups.

the meeting between Milei and Bolsonaro highlights the complexities‍ of their⁣ relationships and⁢ raises important questions about the‌ trajectory of ⁤their countries’ foreign⁢ policies.⁣ As Milei continues to navigate the intricate ‍landscape of‌ Latin American politics, his actions will be closely⁢ watched by observers and policymakers alike.



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Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro: A Meeting of the Minds?”:

Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro: A Meeting of the Minds?

In a highly anticipated and controversial meet, Argentine President Javier Milei met with former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro behind closed doors during a private visit to Brazil. The meeting, which took place in July 2024, sparked speculation and raised eyebrows among political circles and media outlets alike. [[1]]

According to sources from the Argentine Government, the meeting between Milei and Bolsonaro centered around discussing ways to facilitate trade between the two countries, primarily with the border state of Santa Catarina [[1]]. Bolsonaro’s allies, including the governors of the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, and Santa Catarina, Jorginho Mello, were also present at the meeting [[1]]. Additionally, Milei’s sister, Karina Milei, and the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, attended the meeting [[1]].

The meeting, shrouded in secrecy, has sparked concern among many, particularly considering the ideological similarities between Milei and Bolsonaro, both known for their right-wing leanings. Their encounter has raised questions about the potential implications for the political landscape in both Argentina and Brazil.

The Relationship between Milei and Lula

Milei’s decision to meet with Bolsonaro, a former Brazilian President, has generated discontent within the government of progressive Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva [[1]]. The Argentine President’s move has been perceived as a snub to Lula, particularly since Milei abstained from requesting a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart.

The tension between Milei and Lula dates back to the electoral campaign, when Lula expressed his support for the Peronist candidate Sergio Massa, prompting Milei to label the Brazilian head of state “corrupt” and “communist” [[1]]. To date, Milei has not had a private meeting with Lula, nor have the two spoken on the phone [[1]]. The relations between the two leaders can be described as non-existent.

Furthermore, Milei’s participation in the Conservative Action Policy Conference (CPAC), a right-wing forum, has raised eyebrows among those who question his commitment to engaging with progressive leaders like Lula [[[2]]. Lula has stated that he has not yet had contact with Milei and expects him to apologize for his previous comments [[1]].

A Meeting of the Minds?

The meeting between Milei and Bolsonaro has sparked debate about the potential alliance between the two right-wing leaders. Their encounter has been seen as a symbol of their shared ideological beliefs and a possible harbinger of future collaborations.

However, critics argue that the meeting highlights Milei’s reluctance to engage with progressive leaders like Lula, undermining the potential for regional cooperation and dialogue. The secrecy surrounding the meeting has only added to the controversy, fuelling speculation about the true nature of their discussions.

As the dust settles, it remains to be seen what implications this meeting will have on the political landscape in Argentina, Brazil, and beyond. One thing is certain: the encounter between Milei and Bolsonaro has sparked a heated debate about the role of right-wing leaders in shaping the future of Latin American politics.



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