Mikhalkova, who left Ural Dumplings, became a cleaner: what the actress looks like now

2023-09-13 14:20:26

Yulia Mikhalkova, who left the famous team, is not afraid of any work. In an attempt to become successful and popular on her own, she took on the dirty work.

The beauty Yulia Mikhalkova has repeatedly claimed that she left the Ural Dumplings team of her own free will. She wanted to open up solo, to become an independent entity in the world of theater and cinema. From time to time, the beauty appeared in entertainment performances and worked part-time as a model. Recently, the girl decided to go a different route.

Mikhalkova was offered a role in a humorous project. She played the main character in the short video. In the footage, the curvy model appeared in a cleaner’s costume and with a mop in her hands. “Tamara Petrovna” was washing the floor in a large office when riot police burst in. The conscientious lady could not allow men to trample the newly washed room with dirty shoes, and “put” everyone on the floor.

In the microblog of Yulia Mikhalkova

“Cleanliness is paramount. Have you ever met such a Tamara Petrovna in your life?” – Mikhalkova signed the resulting video.

Subscribers were delighted. People are convinced that humor is what the actress is really strong at. Many have long dreamed of seeing Julia again in such a project.

“Just a beatiful woman! Even this uniform fits perfectly, and plays perfectly,” “It’s impossible to pass by such a cleaning lady! That’s five!”, “This has been missing for a long time! This format is truly yours, your talent is visible here,” fans write in the comments.

It seems that Mikhalkova has seriously decided to abandon sexual images. She recently shocked the public with her new hairstyle and costume. With short cropped hair and a beige jacket, the celebrity looked like a middle-aged woman who had come to conquer the capital.

▼ sources

Source: Instagram*

Photo source: Instagram*

*The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

#Mikhalkova #left #Ural #Dumplings #cleaner #actress

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