Miguel Yunes: The PAN Politician Ready to Join Forces with Morena for Judicial Reform

Miguel Yunes: The PAN Politician Ready to Join Forces with Morena for Judicial Reform

Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN, denounced again that there is strong pressure on senators from his party to cast their vote in favor of the electoral reform. In the midst of this, the version has emerged that the one who could give in to the pressures is the Veracruz native. Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez, who has not expressed any opinion on social media about his position.

Journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva was one of those who revealed the alleged pressures against Yunes, who has an arrest warrant against him. Another who made a call in this regard was former presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez, who asked the Veracruz native not to defraud.

The PAN has already stated that its 22 alternate senators will be in Mexico City, including Yunes Márquez’s alternate, to prevent any eventuality in the face of the session that will be held in the Upper House. The senator’s alternate is his father, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares.

In this regard, Marko Cortés, national leader of the PAN, urged the federal government and Morena to stop the pressures through the Attorney General’s Offices against their senators.

Read. What does AMLO’s judicial reform approved by the deputies consist of?

“Stop trying to bribe them, accept that in the Senate of the Republic the people of Mexico did not give you a qualified majority to do whatever you want with our Constitution, recognize that more than 43 percent of Mexicans did not vote for you, that they want balances and counterweights of power,” wrote the PAN member on X, formerly Twitter.

Miguel Yunes: The PAN Politician Ready to Join Forces with Morena for Judicial Reform

What is Miguel Ángel Yunes accused of?

To understand these allegations, it is necessary to clarify that the Veracruz State Attorney General’s Office accuses Yunes Márquez of the crimes of lying to the authorities, false documentation and procedural fraud, for events that allegedly occurred in 2021, when he sought the mayoralty of Veracruz.

Thus, on July 12, an arrest warrant was issued against him in order to consider him a fugitive from justice.

#Miguel #Yunes #PAN #member #join #Morena #judicial #reform
2024-09-15 02:35:44

What are the attributes ‍of the HTML `

` element?


Element: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile and widely used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group other elements together, apply styles, and create complex layouts. In this article, we will delve into the world of

elements, exploring their purpose, syntax, attributes, ​and ‌common use cases.

What is the



element is‌ a⁤ block-level ‌element that represents a generic container ‌or division of content.⁤ It is used to wrap other elements, such as text, images, or other HTML elements, to ⁢create a logical grouping or ⁣to apply styles and layout properties. The

element is often used as a container element to create a section or a block of⁣ content that can be styled, positioned, and manipulated independently of other elements on the page.

Syntax and Attributes

The‌ basic syntax of the⁢

element is as follows:



element can have various attributes, including:

id: specifies a unique identifier for the element

class: specifies ​one or more class names for styling and JavaScript manipulation

style: specifies ⁤inline CSS ‍styles ⁣for the element

align: specifies the alignment of the element ( deprecated in HTML5 )

title: specifies a tooltip or a title for the element

Common Use Cases


element has numerous use cases, including:

  1. Layout and Structuring:
    ‌elements are often used to create a structural hierarchy of content, such as headers, footers, sidebars, and main content areas.
  2. Styling and Theming:
    elements can ⁢be used to apply styles and themes to a group of elements, using CSS class names or inline styles.
  3. Content Grouping:
    elements can be used to group related content together, such as text, images, or other HTML elements.
  4. JavaScript Manipulation:
    elements can be used as placeholders for dynamic content generated by JavaScript.
  5. Semantic Meaning:
    elements ‍can be used to provide a semantic meaning to a group⁣ of elements, ⁤such as a navigation‌ menu or a search box.

Best Practices and Tips

When‍ using

elements, keep in mind the following best practices and tips:

Use semantic HTML elements when possible: Instead of⁣ using

elements, use semantic HTML elements like
