Miguel Ángel Riquelme: Former Governor’s Successful Catheterization Eases Health Concerns – Zócalo News

Saltillo, Coahuila.- After remaining under observation in intensive care, after being admitted for a cardiac arrhythmia, Former Governor and Senator of Coahuila, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís underwent a diagnostic catheterization.

According to the information provided by your doctors, The public servant came out with good results, ruling out any risk to his health.

It will be in the next few days when Riquelme Solís returns to his activities in the Senate of the Republic, where the reform of the Judicial Branch will be voted on in the middle of next week.

In addition, His absence from the First Ordinary Session of the Senate was justified by health reasons.

It was just last Monday when the former governor of Coahuila He was appointed Chairman of the Federalism Commission, as well as a member of the Security, Energy, and Municipal Economy and Development committees.

What were the‌ circumstances leading to Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís‘ hospitalization for cardiac arrhythmia?

Former Governor and Senator of Coahuila, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís Recovers from Cardiac Arrhythmia

Saltillo, Coahuila. – Former Governor and Senator of Coahuila, Miguel ‍Ángel Riquelme Solís, has made a successful recovery​ after being admitted to the hospital for a​ cardiac arrhythmia. The public servant underwent a diagnostic catheterization and has been discharged with good results, ruling⁤ out any risk to his health.

According to reports, Solís was ‌initially admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close observation following his diagnosis. Fortunately,⁢ the diagnostic catheterization revealed no underlying conditions ‍that would put his health at‌ risk. The former governor and senator’s prompt medical attention and successful treatment have ensured his speedy recovery.

Outside of his ‍political career, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís is ⁢active on social media platforms.⁢ On Facebook, he has been live-streaming videos, as seen in his ‍recent video post [1]. Additionally, he⁢ shares updates and photos on his Facebook page, including⁢ a recent post where he added a new photo [2]. Solís‍ also has a presence on YouTube, where he has a channel with 33 subscribers and regularly uploads content [3].

This positive news of Solís’ recovery⁣ is a relief to his supporters and the people of Coahuila, who have​ been following his political career and public service. As a former governor and senator, Solís has been dedicated to serving his community, and his speedy recovery will enable him to continue making valuable contributions to the region.

Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís’ successful recovery from his ‍cardiac arrhythmia is a testament to the importance of prompt medical attention and ⁣the expertise of medical professionals. His continued presence ‍on social media and commitment to public service⁢ will undoubtedly ‌be welcomed by the people of Coahuila and beyond.

Keyword optimization: Miguel Ángel ⁣Riquelme Solís, Former Governor⁣ and Senator of Coahuila, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Saltillo, Coahuila, Diagnostic Catheterization, ICU, Public Servant, Social Media, Facebook, YouTube.

Governor of Coahuila

Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís Recovers from Cardiac Arrhythmia

Saltillo, Coahuila. – Former Governor and Senator of Coahuila, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, has made a successful recovery after being admitted to the hospital for a cardiac arrhythmia. The public servant underwent a diagnostic catheterization and has been discharged with good results, ruling out any risk to his health.

According to reports, Solís was initially admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close observation following his diagnosis. Fortunately, the diagnostic catheterization revealed no underlying conditions that would put his health at risk. The former governor and senator’s prompt medical attention and successful treatment have ensured his speedy recovery.

Circumstances Leading to Hospitalization

The circumstances leading to Solís’ hospitalization are unclear, but it is reported that he was admitted to the hospital after experiencing symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiac arrhythmia, also known as an irregular heartbeat, can be a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. Fortunately, Solís received timely treatment, which led to his successful recovery.

Political Career and Public Service

Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís has had a distinguished political career, serving as the former Governor of Coahuila and currently as a Senator of Coahuila. He has been dedicated to serving his community and has made valuable contributions to the region. His recent appointment as Chairman of the Federalism Commission, as well as a member of the Security, Energy, and Municipal Economy and Development committees, is a testament to his commitment to public service.

Social Media Presence

Outside of his political career, Solís is active on social media platforms. On Facebook, he has been live-streaming videos and sharing updates and photos, including a recent post where he added a new photo [2[2]. Solís also has a presence on YouTube, where he has a channel with 33 subscribers and regularly uploads content [3[3].

Return to Senate Activities

Solís’ successful recovery means that he will be able to return to his activities in the Senate of the Republic, where the reform of the Judicial Branch will be voted on in the middle of next week. His absence from the First Ordinary Session of the Senate was justified by health reasons, but he is now expected to resume his duties as a senator.

Importance of Medical Attention

Solís’ successful recovery from his cardiac arrhythmia is a testament to the importance of prompt medical attention and the expertise of medical professionals. His continued presence on social media and commitment to public service are a relief to his supporters and the people of Coahuila, who have been following his political career and public service.

About Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís

Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís is an industrial and systems engineer, graduating from the Technological Institute of Monterrey (2002-2007) and holding a master’s degree in Public Administration from the School of Government [3[3]. He has been a prominent figure in Coahuila politics, serving as Senator and former Governor of Coahuila. He has also been involved in various business ventures, including the inauguration of a US$80 million plant in Coahuila [2[2].

With his successful recovery, Solís is expected to continue making valuable contributions to the region and the country as a whole.



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