Migrants, Piantedosi does not fear a new wave of landings. “What is the secret” –

Migrant arrivals “I don’t think they will increase. The message sent by the Libyan government, with whom we work very well, actually certifies only what we already know and on which we have built our partnerships with North African countries. Our migration problem is not opposed to what they are facing.” This is the crux of the speech by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi in an interview with Il Messaggero. “Libya, as well as Tunisia, are experiencing a situation absolutely comparable to our worst seasons, with traffickers operating on their territory, encouraging the transit of people in unsustainable numbers and generating problems of parking. Precisely for this reason – explains the head of the Viminale – for some time we have aimed our collaboration no longer only at containing departures, with the provision of training and equipment on land or for rescues at sea, but above all at assisted voluntary repatriations.”

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“We are already proposing alternatives to migration projects in Libya or Tunisia, taking migrants back to their countries of origin and helping them reintegrate thanks to personalised consultancy, logistical and financial assistance. In the first six months of 2024 there were almost 8,000, 5,111 in Libya and 3,800 in Tunisia. I attribute the decline in landings in recent months more to this change in approach than to the rescue of people at sea or the actions to counter departures that we also implement. I am convinced that this is the real leap in quality, moreover with methods that are respectful of the migrants involved in these human traffickings”, the rest of Piantedosi’s words.

“We wish Meloni and Piantedosi all the worst”. The shocking phrase from Sea Watch

On the computer bug that paralyzed the world for a few hours, the minister explains that “we as Viminale, with the Postal Police and the Cnipic have been close to companies and critical infrastructures to avoid any excessive fallout. The country system has shown all the progress we have worked on in recent years by strengthening the cyber security perimeter, the national agency for Cyber ​​and the provision on digital security. But then we realize that all it takes is a poorly made software update, even just due to human error, and we fall into chaos”.

#Migrants #Piantedosi #fear #wave #landings #secret #Tempo
2024-07-21 22:08:41



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