“Migraine is hereditary and affects 1 in 5 women”, emphasizes Dr. Fiorito

Migraine is in fact one of the most prevalent conditions worldwide, impacting 16% of the population

Dr. Franchesca Fiorito, neurologist. Photo: Provided by the doctor to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

The doctor Franchesca Fiorito, neurologistspoke exclusively for the Journal of Medicine and Public Health regarding the prevalence of migraine, what exists in women, how this disease has been made invisible and the importance of emotional and physical care in women.

Migraine is a very common disease, but for which there is still no cure or significant change to the disability it produces, despite all the efforts and talents of the scientific community around the world. However, it is known that there is a genetic factor, “one is born predisposed, that is, it is part of one, like many other medical conditions, is hereditary in most cases“, affirmed the neurologist.

However, it has been shown that women are more predisposed to suffer from this condition, “it is believed that 1 in 5 women suffer from migraine”, for which the specialist calls for patients to identify the triggers that exacerbate the condition, such as: diet, stress management, sleep disorders and others.

“I think it is important for us as women to be aware that this condition is real, because it is considered invisible, since the pain is not seen,” the expert commented.

Everything that surrounds migraine and its symptoms is difficult to explain. Both the pain that characterizes it and the strange sensations that some patients have before suffering from it, the hangover that follows the pain, dizziness, abdominal discomfort or special sensitivity to certain stimuli.

“Migraine, in fact, is one of the most prevalent conditions worldwide, it has an impact on 16% of the population,” said the neurologist.

This condition is characterized by being debilitating and limiting, which can cause the patient to be absent at work, family, personal and social level; likewise, it must be taken into account that migraine affects women in their reproductive and productive age, in view of this the neurologist makes the following call: “it is very important to raise awareness, manage it and continue investigating this condition”.


The situation changed radically when a neurotransmitter called “calcitonin gene-related peptide” – known by its acronym in English CGRP – was identified, which was involved in several steps of the genesis and maintenance of migraine.

It is indisputable that work must be done to improve care structures, to reduce the barriers that prevent patients from being cared for by trained professionals and receiving the treatments they require. Simultaneously, we must work to convince migraine sufferers of the need to seek help.

Importance of women’s health

Women in general play a great role in society, due to the role they play in the different areas of their lives, for which it is vitally important to give a primary role to those diseases that affect women more, “women We deal with a lot, women are strong, we are an example to follow in the aspect of how to balance that family, work component and the personal aspect,” she commented.

Similarly, the expert highlighted the importance of physical and mental care for women, in order to improve their quality of life, avoid possible illnesses and take care of their mental health, “the most important thing is to believe in ourselves, give ourselves courage, self-love, put ourselves first and then be there for others”.



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