Mides denounces insufficient funds to pay social programs to former soldiers – 2024-04-27 01:41:37

The Ministry of Social Development (Mides) at a press conference announced a series of actions that were taken in the event. Among these, the head of the portfolio Abelardo Pinto, announced that there are no funds for the Comprehensive Development program, which gives an incentive to people who have served in the military during the internal armed conflict.

“We have the commitment to pay Q529 million to 44 thousand beneficiaries of the Temporary Law of Comprehensive Development, but said legal instrument only enabled budgetary space for 2023. Therefore, in 2024 we are taking the steps that allow us to honor this commitment,” Pinto explained. .

The official version states that the January and February payments were made this year, however, the March payment has not yet been made. In addition, arrangements are made for the following transfers.

The norm contemplates a monthly disbursement of Q1 thousand for each former military member registered for 36 months – a total of Q36 thousand – for carrying out reforestation activities in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

The law was approved in 2022 in a context of protests by the beneficiaries. There were 99 legislators who voted in favor, compared to 15 who voted against and 46 absent in that session.

The condition to be part of the program was to have provided at least 18 months of military service between 1960 and 1996. The program was criticized because it was implemented and was one of the offers of the former president, Alejandro Giammattei, in 2023, an election year. Experts pointed out that it was a clientelist strategy to promote certain candidates for deputies or mayorships.

Last year’s data from the portfolio showed that most of the beneficiaries are concentrated in Jutiapa, Guatemala and Baja Verapaz; while Sololá, Petén and Totonicapán are the departments with the least registered.


The director of the Social Development Fund (Fodes), Carlos Orantes, was another of the officials who accompanied the minister. The official indicated that according to an internal audit that was carried out and with the results obtained, complaints were presented to the Public Ministry.

Orantes explained that it was evident that in the village Maraxcó, Chiquimula, the Departmental Development Council (Codede) delivered goods that were not received in their entirety. “The minutes show that batteries, cleaning kits, food, PVC pipes and personal hygiene kits were delivered, valued at Q1 million 300 thousand, however, the community only received tubes worth Q50 thousand,” the director explained. of Fodes.

Orantes added that the seal and signature of the president of Codede was forged. In this case, a complaint was filed with the MP to determine responsibilities.

Additionally, in Palencia, Guatemala, a street improvement project was awarded in April 2021 for Q12 million 576 thousand 278 to the company Coordinadora de Logística SA. According to the version of the authorities, materials that do not match the specifications were used. of the contract.

The complaint is for abuse of authority, breach of duties, and fraud in the delivery of goods.

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He also stated that, at Fodes, they let go of 43 people who were under contracts under line 029. This indicated that it represents a saving of Q3 million for this year.

Another action is that “a renegotiation was carried out to centralize the warehouses, so there will be new facilities that will allow savings of Q. 1 million 300 thousand in 2024.”


Regarding the soup kitchens, the previous authorities announced that they closed the year with 67 in operation and that some would be relocated to correspond to places with food needs.

Pinto explained that at least five of these will be relocated and one will be closed due to “lack of interest from the local authority,” the owner said.

Regarding another 14 canteens, the number of food rations will be reduced, for example, between 250 breakfasts and 350 lunches are prepared, but not all of them are delivered. Now between 100 and 150 breakfasts and between 150 and 200 lunches will be prepared.

These dining rooms are those located in San José del Golfo and Palencia, in Guatemala; San Carlos Alzatate, in Jalapa; Concepción Tutuapa, San Marcos; San Francisco Zapotitlán and San Pablo Jocopilas, Suchitepéquez; Malacatancito and Huehuetenango, Huehuetenango; Morazán, El Progreso; Guanagazapa, Pueblo Nuevo Viñas y Casillas, Santa Rosa; San Vicente Pacaya, Escuintla; and Granados, Baja Verapaz.


Last year, the Comptroller General of Accounts issued some sanctions regarding the location of 46 of the 79 soup kitchens that were operating when the respective audit was carried out.

In addition, the supplier – Presto – of the food has been the same for seven years. Pinto commented that hiring processes are expected to open in Guatecompras in May to have different contractors depending on the departments.

The supplier maintains the contract due to a protection that requires Mides to guarantee the operation of the dining rooms. The new authorities extended the contract to obtain the products for another six months.

Although several deputies have made officials see in summonses that the legal remedy does not force them to continue buying from the same company.

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