Microsoft releases Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25201 for Dev Channel Insiders

Microsoft released Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25201 to Dev Channel Insiders. Latest Dev Channel release adds extended view in widgets, Game Pass widget enhancements, enhancements and bug fixes.

After installing Build 25201, you will see the expand and collapse button in the upper right corner of the widget table, allowing you to increase the size of the table. The size will be remembered, which means that if you leave it enlarged, the board will be the same size the next time you open it. Plus, the updated Game Pass widget lets you sign in with your Xbox profile. The updated Game Pass widget will display the full range of Game Pass games and more available to you.

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25201 also introduces changes, improvements, and bug fixes. However, the update also has known issues. You can read the full official changelog below.


Fixes and Known Issues

To update to the latest Windows Insider Preview, go to the Settings app > Windows Update > Check for updates. Microsoft has also released the ISO for version 25201, which means you can download the build manually from Microsoft’s official website. You can download Build 25201 ISO from here.

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