Microsoft owes the taxman $29 billion

2023-10-12 16:00:24

Bad news for Microsoft: the IRS, the tax services in the United States, are demanding nearly 29 billion dollars from the IT giant. The IRS, the powerful tax authority, was interested in tax evasion practices for a period from 2004 to 2013. In a press release, Microsoft vigorously contests this.

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« We do not agree », writes the group which announces its appeal. A procedure which already ensures Microsoft several years of respite while tax lawyers and accountants from both camps will look into the company’s accounts over a period of almost ten years.

Reduce tax optimization

The IRS, as usual, has not commented but we know that it is actively working to reduce tax optimization practices, a scourge that deprives the United States of billions of dollars in revenue each year. A practice that is all the easier for multinationals which operate in many countries, sometimes taking advantage of their subsidiaries to artificially transfer the income generated and ultimately cheat on taxes.

Artificial intelligence

The Biden administration has understood this well,Inflation Reduction Act, the current president’s major economic program provides for a significant increase in the IRS budget over ten years. An expense that we understand better when we know that each dollar invested in the tax administration brings in twelve in taxes collected.

The IRS has even invested in artificial intelligence to help its agents spot the shadiest tax returns, those that will bring in the most money for the taxpayer.

Read alsoUnited States: Amazon sued by 17 states and the competition authority for abuse of dominant position

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