InfoWorld, an overseas IT media outlet, reported on the announcement of container support for Microsoft’s .NET SDK. Microsoft decided to support containers to foster cloud-native development of .NET.
Microsoft previously announced that it would officially support container images as an output type of the .NET SDK.
In the future, developers can use dotnet publish to create containerized versions of their applications. The SDK’s container image technology begins support in the Linux x64 image preview stage. Additional Windows images and other architectures will follow in the future.
Microsoft has announced that support for containers is not a step toward certification, but is working on it as a priority. In the meantime, developers can push the local docker daemon to drop images created using docker tags and docker push wherever they want.
Containers are one of the easiest ways to deploy and run multiple applications and services in the cloud. The .NET runtime has already established a way to use containers.
Meanwhile, some of the upcoming features for the .NET 7 software development platform include the addition of new image metadata, support for image push to remote storage, and support for Windows images. .NET 7 is expected to be released in November.