Microplastics found in human lungs – 04/08/2022 at 06:10

A scientific discovery that has cause for serious concern. As reported

The Guardian

, microplastic particles have been found for the first time in the lungs of living people. Of the thirteen patients selected in a UK study who underwent surgery, eleven had microplastic samples taken from their bodies.

According to the researchers, microplastic pollution was now ubiquitous on the planet and the harmful effects on the health of human beings are real. “There is growing concern regarding the risks,” they warn the


. The most common particles found in the lungs were polypropylene, used in plastic packaging and pipes, and PET, which is found in bottles.

The British daily also recalls that microplastics have recently been detected in human blood and that the particles might therefore travel in the body and thus lodge in the organs. In the lab, scientists have found microplastics to be able to damage human cells and point out that air pollution particles are already known to enter the body and cause millions of premature deaths a year.

Yes, air pollution and diesel are

Source LePoint.fr



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